If you go to LC encourage them to head to some of the Jackson's Bight sites. I think those sites are more interesting than Bloody Bay Wall.
Especially if you like swim-throughs and/or old anchors. A lot of people don't care for them much because they spend their whole dive circling around on the sand, even when there's no one around. Of course, when you get lucky...
If you don't ask they seem to not go there often, as it's further, sometimes rougher, and may have more current. (Also probably because everyone is hung up on going to Bloody Bay wall.)
Agreed. Jackson's is further for LC boats, so they probably don't want to venture out to have to turn back. For Brac boats, its "on the way", so its not that hard to ask them to make a check on the way in...it will depend on what caliber of divers are onboard, for as you say, wall sites like Magic Roundabout do snag some current. For the inner sites, their plentiful sand gets kicked up pretty easily, which means that these sites will "green out", often before a BBay reef will, as the latter's often mostly hardpan right to the dropoff.
Mixing Bowl, the site where it changes from one reef structure to the other, is pretty neat.
A redeeming factor that doesn't apply to Great Wall West

IIRC, its a pretty long swim if you're going to try to swim from MB down to Marilynn's Cut. Better as you say to swim down the miniwall into the west end of Jackson's, probably making the left turn through the obvious swim-thru
FWIW, the South side of Little Cayman has some pretty interesting diving...in addition to the Soto Trader, there's the minimal remains of two diveboat wrecks, including the one that was the true originator of the infamous "wall dive, reef dive, wreck dive, shore dive" joke: it actually sank with divers onboard, who swam ashore to Pirate's Point.
For shallow sites in LC Southwest corner, Grundy's Gardens was one of my favorites, although I don't know how well it fared from Ivan (probably not that well). There's also some walls down here that are generally unknown to the crowds who are all angling to get over to Bloody Bay.