"Caveat Emptor" with Oceanic Service

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Scuba Instructor
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Port St. Lucie
# of dives
I'm a Fish!
I noticed that the backlight on my Atom 1.0 was not working. So I went to my LDS and asked for a quotation on repairing the backlight or upgrading to the Atom 2.0. I have a spare computer (Mares RGBM) that the backlight works on that I was planning on using for my AOW next week anyway. So having a backlight is not critical on that computer.

I bought the Atom used. If the serial number is any indication of manufacturing date the computer was made in 08/2005, so it would be under warranty if I was the original buyer. My LDS knew that I wasn't the oriinal owner and when the quote came back it was $160 to repair the backlight or $200 (includes shipping) to upgrade to the Atom 2.0. So at the time of quotation Oceanic knew I was not the original owner, otherwise it would have been a warranty repair.

"Great" I thought, I'll upgrade.

I get a phone call today, after Oceanic recieved the computer, and I am told that the upgrade to me is not $200, it's $375 because I'm not the original owner. Apparently it doesn't matter that they quoted $200 and I based my decision to send the comp in on that quotation. The "policy is $200 to original owners, $375 otherwise."

My POLICY is to not do business with companies that do not honor quotations. While I am fairly new to diving I do have all my gear. I will of course be upgrading, but not with Oceanic.

I vote with my wallet. Too bad as I was seriously looking at a new Oceanic regulator.

The Atom will go to E-bay after this season and guess what? No Oceanic computer will replace it either. No integrity, no business from me...

Buyer beware
I was in a restaurant last night and saw that they had a plaque behind the bar for their employees - it read "Don't give up trying just because something seems impossible." I'll approach this as if there is an opportunity to make this right for you, and have asked that our customer service manager contact you directly.

I received a call from my LDS saying that Oceanic will honor the original quotation. Thanks to Doug and Ron (service manager) for deciding to keep me as a future customer.

Best Regards,

Rick Peck
Now that is why I dive with Oceanic. There is an example of true customer service. I am diving a Data Trans Plus and love it. My wife has a Data Plus 2 and my original Prodigy make all my dives as a backup. Someone gave me a Delta 2 after Katrina and I am getting it ready to go. We also have Oceanic masks for the whole family and they are the most comfortable.

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