What are your thoughts on GUE Cave 2 vs. doing a full cave/staged cave with a good sidemount instructor?
I did Cave 1 as I was diving OC backmount at that point, but right now I mostly dive my JJ (stock, not the GUE fridge) in the ocean and won’t go back to OC backmount anytime soon - so there is no gear or skill commonality anymore between my wreck and cave diving. Which makes me wonder if it’s sensible to stay on the GUE path or not.
My thoughts:
- I really enjoyed the GUE approach but I’m mostly diving with non-GUE divers with different protocols anyway. All of my non-overhead training is TDI/IANTD.
- Sidemount is nicer in some tighter caves.
- Sidemount is significantly easier to carry into a cave or mine as you can carry individual tanks. Some local sites are simply not accessible in backmount at all, unless you are built like George Irvine, and I have a sports injury. One of my recent dives left me sore for 3 days…
- I never did any overhead in sidemount but have open water training, so I would need some practice and setup before any overhead diving.
- Most of my diving is CCR wreck diving. I dive caves or mines for a week once or twice per year, with an occasional weekend.
- At some point, I might look into bringing my JJ into mines but I’m not quite there yet. I’m probably not looking to buy a cave-specific unit such as Kiss/Fathom Gemini as I won’t be able to stay proficient on it.
- I can dive CCR for a year, then pick up my twinset, practice for a day in a quarry and still be OK. I’m not sure it would be so easy with a sidemount.
- I would rather stop diving than dive sidemount from a boat.

Any thought on what might be better for someone in my situation?