Thank you all for helping especially Mo2vation for taking the time to help out.
Mo2vation, when is the next time you will be out there?

want to go with some newbies?
Was there on Monday - here's the scoop:
Topside: Scorcher. Those of us who brought sunscreen, rule - judging by all the lobsters on the 8:05 PM boat, lots of people forgot.
Mellow entries and exits - essentially no surge at the steps.
64 Suunto Degrees at 15 FSW. At 90 FSW on the Sue Jac, it was 54 Suunto degrees. The thermoclines were all over the place. 35', 55', etc. Viz much better on the 0 - 35 foot range... very clear. Lots is suspended stuff at depth.
The 3 tiny Spanish Shawls are still on the swim through on the Sue Jac. They were there last week, and were there this week, too.
Bat Ray city. All over the sand. We saw lots.
Sheep Crab city. Saw a couple of giant sheep crabs.
It was just a mellow hang this weekend, and catching the entire secong half of the Lakers Game on the boat back was very above average.
Lets set it up. I recommend PM-ing Wrinkles to lobby for the June Wrinkles So Cal dive-in to be in the park. Our Jan dive-in was in the park, and it was windy and surgey and pretty cold. Lets get a June dive there, for sure.
PS: Saf - Olaf belongs on the short list... it was on my original post but I edited it off because that post was too long anyway. You're right, it rules, I suck.