Catalina Conservancy Credit Card Fraud?

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Kabc7 Just broadcast a story of a guy named Hammond(sp?) who has stolen credit card numbers from people who registered on line for donations in 2005 and 2006. I can’t find any more info online but they said if you registered online, check your accounts.

Trevor Hammond was arrested today. Still no news online?
I saw that report too, Dave. Sure hated to see the Catalina Conservancy Divers name linked with this fraud even though they were also apparent victims of this guy.
I don't see it as a bad reflection on Catalina Conservancy Divers. Bad guys are just that - bad guys.
No, but it may lead some to question. I'm glad Channel 7 made a point of saying the CCD and Conservancy were victims of this guy as well.
Subject :
Identity Theft Alert

Contact :
Sergeant Evan Sailor 949-644-3662

Suspect: Trevor Graham Hammonds, Male White, 36 years old, Newport Beach Resident

On February 13, 2008, Newport Beach Police Detectives arrested Trevor Hammonds for 484G PC – Illegal Use of a Credit Card. Detectives had learned that Hammonds was renting an apartment in Newport Beach through fraudulent means. He was paying his rent by providing valid credit card account numbers of unsuspecting victims as payment. Since his arrest, Detectives have been attempting to discover where and how Hammonds obtained his victim’s personal credit information.

Detectives recently discovered that Hammonds had created a website for the “Catalina Conservancy Divers” Avalon Harbor Cleanup, Catalina Island Conservancy in 2005. Through 2005 and 2006, Hammonds was able to obtain unsuspecting victim’s names and credit card numbers when they made online donations to the Conservancy. Since that time, he has been using victim’s names and valid credit card account information to make online purchases and pay for personal items. Detectives have identified a total of 816 possible victim credit profiles in the possession of Hammonds. Hammonds is currently being housed at the Orange County Jail in lieu of $100,000 bail. The Catalina Conservancy Divers is a victim of Hammonds scheme and is not involved in any manner.

If you registered to this site and/or made an online donation to the Catalina Conservancy Divers during 2005 or 2006, please check your credit profile and account records. If you believe you have been the victim of a crime, please notify your bank immediately to close your account(s) and prevent any further crimes from occurring. In addition, contact the Newport Beach Police Department in order to report your crime. This can be done by contacting Investigator Bob Watts at (800) 550-NBPD or (949) 644-3799.

For information in regards to identity theft and associated crimes, you can go to the Police Department’s web site at Newport Beach Police Department - Homepage. You may also place a “Fraud” alert on your personal credit report by contacting one of the three major credit reporting agencies listed below:

Equifax Equifax: Credit Reports, Credit Scores, Protection Against Identity Theft

Fraud Alert (800) 525-6285
Credit Report (800) 685-1111
Experian Experian | Free Credit Report and Credit Score

Fraud Alert (888) 397-3742
Credit Report (800) 360-7540
Trans Union TransUnion - Credit Score & Online Credit Reports

Fraud Alert (800) 680-7289
Credit Report (800) 888-4213

* Looks as if he'll be living rent-free for quite awhile. :)
Using stolen credit card info to pay his rent? How stupid is he?
Obviously not the brightest bulb in the box...
Kathy Kempton wrote this on the O.C. board;

Thanks, Debbie, for the info.

According to NBPD, he hit my Amex with an $8500 charge for an apartment rental in Irvine on 12/21/07. I was taking an environmental prosecution final in Portland, OR, that day and was pretty sure I hadn't rented an apartment in Irvine. I saw the charge online within a few days and contacted Amex and the apartment complex early and often, but the follow-up was slow. Apparently because someone had made a photocopied mock-up of an Amex card bearing my name and had forged my signature purporting to be the suspect's manager at high-end sportcar maker Tesla Motors (whose general counsel has never heard of Trevor Hammonds), the matter remained in limbo for some 6 weeks. Amex closed their initial investigation with the explanation that there was proper documentation of the charges.

Upon escalation, the Newport PD, on the other hand, were awesome - they went right out and found the fellow apparently still enjoying the apartment. I would have said that that was not the brightest criminal plan ever, except for the fact that it worked for 6 weeks. Amex eventually acknowleged the fraud, but I'm still a little bitter that for that kind of dough Trevor (or whoever) must have had a nicer place than my grad school pad!

I'm glad to learn how the number was compromised, and I urge everyone, please, to check their own credit card records.

Kathy Kempton
He has been doing this for years now. Turns out charges that were made when I was out of country for 3 months back in 2004 here from him. I just recently got a Letter from NPPD about him and that he had over 800 credit card numbers from signing up via that web site.

Sent to me at the end of March. This was my first time, so I was unaffected.
I thought that some people on this board may be interested.

March 26, 2008

Dear Diver,

The Catalina Island Conservancy learned last week that during 2004 and 2005, a breach of credit card information occured on the website of the catalina Conservancy Divers, a support group of the Conservacy. As we understand from the detective handling the case, a volunteer was asked in 2004 by the CCD to set up a website that could accept signups and payment for the Avalon Harbor Underwater Clean-up. Unfortunately, someone at the website designer's firm accessed credit card information from the website (Catalina Conservancy Divers) and subsequently used the information illegally. We further understand that the individual responsible has been arrested.

As you may know, the website of the Catalina Island Consevancy (Catalina Island Conservancy) is entirely seperate from the CCD website, and we wish to assure you that this individual never volunteered for the Conservancy nor had access to credit card information on our secure site. Additionally, in 2006, the CCD ceased accepting transactions online and began refferring participants of the Cleanup to the Conservancy's secure website to make reservations.

The Conservancy's secure payment system is administered by, an industry leader in secured transactions via the web. Because of our gateway provider's excellent fraud prevention program that is designed to minimize risk to customers, even the Conservancy does not have access to credit card information from any purchasers making payments online. Please be assured that all transactions made on the Conservancy's website (Catalina Island Conservancy) are fully protected.

We at the Conservancy salute the ongoing efforts of the Divers to support conservation efforts on Catalina and it's near-shore waters, and urge your continued support during this challenging time for all the victims, Clean-up participants, the CCD organizationand the Conservancy all among them. We are fortunate that the inividual responsible has been apprehended and is being charged.

If you have any information relevant to this case please contact Detective Bob Watts at phone number 949-644-3799.

M.L. Dinkel
Cheif Operating Officer / Treasurer

P.O. Box 2739 Avalon, Calif.90704 310-510-2595 Fax 310-510-2594
330 Golden Shore #170 Long Beach, Calif. 90803 562-437-8555 Fax 5692-437-8608
Catalina Island Conservancy


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