Played hooky from work on Friday and convinced a friend and his wife to do the same at the last minute. They live in Phoenix and made the drive out Thursday after work. We got up at 3:45am and made the drive to Long Beach to catch the 6:15 to the island. The couple that went with us had just got certified in AZ and dove on their Hawaiian vacation a couple months ago. They have never been to Catalina and this would be only my second trip there. We got off the boat and made a leisurely stroll to the point and they rented all their gear and we were in the water in no time. We were the second group of divers in the water. We got in three dives, vis was decent at about 50ft and dropping a bit as the day went on. The AZ couple had a blast after she got over a bit anxiety on the first dive. The combination of kelp and cold water prevented her from starting her first dive. But she joined us on the final two dives.
After a lunch we took the golf car tour of Avalon before catching the boat back. All in all we had a blast. Catalina is such a cool place to spend the day, it's very diver friendly. The AZ couple will be coming back and I hope to make my trips to Catalina more frequent.
Oh and the highlight of the day, met Dr. Bill as we were putting away gear. Good to meet you.
After a lunch we took the golf car tour of Avalon before catching the boat back. All in all we had a blast. Catalina is such a cool place to spend the day, it's very diver friendly. The AZ couple will be coming back and I hope to make my trips to Catalina more frequent.
Oh and the highlight of the day, met Dr. Bill as we were putting away gear. Good to meet you.