cat island

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trying to decide between cat island and eleuthera. anybody been diving there???
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:wave-smil :wave-smil
to neither....but I'm sure you can't go wrong!

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:cowboy: don
Welcome to SB! Why chose? Do both! :D
Ive been diving at Elethuera and its nothing great(and not bad either), and I have heard very very good things about Cat island so I would go there.

Andros, Cat, San Salvador is supposed to be the cream of the crop in the Bahamas
If you want the best diving in the Bahamas try a liveaboard. Aqua Cat is a state of the art liveaboard that dives through the Exumas.

Blackbeards cruises runs trips to Cat Cay south of Bimini on Victory reef. Having dove throughout the Bahamas I think Victory reef is one of the best in the Bahamas.
The difference in between Elethuera and Cat is huge. Elethuera is a rich, well developed island where you can stay at a hotel anddive from day boats. Cat is poor, underdeveloped, and better dived from a liveaboard.
Just to be sure we are all talking the same language...there is a Cat Island (SE Bahamas) and a Cat Cay (Western Bahamas) but there is only one Eleuthera. There is a very big difference between Cat Cay and Cat Island.

I would say...
Cat Island = Best Diving
Eleuthera = 2nd Best Diving
Cat Cay = 3rd best Diving

The SE Bahamas offer the best of the Bahamas... this includes Cat Island, Long Island, San Salvador, Rum Cay, etc.

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