Caribbean Jimmy's

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Dartmouth,NS,Canada(Eastern Passage-Atlantic)
# of dives
1000 - 2499
An old thread by Toms asked for info. about Caribbean Jimmy's Dive Resort in Panama and got no responses. My buddy and I may consider it. Apparently they permit shell collecting, and are very rustic. I've read conflicting reports from patrons. Anyone on SB been there?
I have been diving with Panama Divers Portobelo and also at Caribbean Jimmy's and was pleased with both. The diving was great with both operations. Both places had divemasters in the water with us. I took my 12 year old son and felt safe the entire time.

I had a great experience and I'm headed back in May.

It is rustic, but everything is in that part of Panama. Jimmy's is awesome! They took my son and I out and let us take a couple of lobsters. They are the only operators out along that 25 mile stretch coastline as far as I know.

If you book a big enough group, he will run you out to San Blas Islands.

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