In "short", the first is to remember the different ISO layers in the Network model, and the second is to remember the secondary color scheme in a twenty pair cable... Of course every one just remembers wo/o/wg/b/wb/g/wb/b (the primary color scheme)which is the pin out on an RJ45 connector set up for 568B Network wiring config.
Shocking for sure, but if you need to know more I will wire you the results. Pnemonics such as this can be a terminal source of power for those who really want to plug in. BTW, if anyone understands all of these, we are always looking for "cable-pull" people out there... Just be careful of the o"PUN" circuits... I know, I know, these puns are baud, and getting worse. I'll terminate this before somone blows a fuse.
To keep this somewhat on topic, have they ever established puns as an indication of CO poisoning???
Plan your topic, and topic your plan...