can't update my dive profile.

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Seems as though there are an awfule lot of IT folk into diving... Just about eveyone on my team are divers now (actually I think I'm partly responsible for that)...
I've been doing webhosting since 98 and have never had any problem moving customers... I guess the host you guys went to is... well, like Carlos says, "de de de"

It's not difficult, forums and sites consist of:

A) Files.
B) More files.
C) Databases.

If done correctly, there would have been a mock site up before the move was even done. Not trying to get all up in your grill, just stating how it, well, should be done (by the hosting company) :)
This is why we are changing hosting companies this month. The Planet loves to charge out the wazoo, but the have no clue how to resolve issues.
It's not even the end of the month yet. Watch for the next scheduled downtime, at which point we can start actively wondering again. (In the meantime, is there any good diving in central Texas?)

We have a guest lecturer for the physics section of our NAUI Master Scuba Diver class tonight. If I heard correctly, he was (has been?) on the NAUI board for a long time, even, which should mean it'll be a really fun night. (I'm still in the race to finish MSD before I get to update my profile... I just printed up the next 50 dives worth of log pages to put in my again-depleted log book, but I'm hoping I won't quite finish those first, but since they're my own personal layout, I can always print more. :D)
Yes, we hope to be moving away from incompetence and over the brighter side of sanity. I apologise for any delay.
Doc, you can run, but you can't hide. The whole web is in the alpha version my friend.

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