can't update my dive profile.

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Netdoc are you Ted S @ ? :) I've seen that nick float around with the scubaboard nick on it :)

Nope, he isn't. But I am. :wink:
Does anyone know the status of the scubaboard regaining all the lost features from the upgrade? Just wondering where things were that is all. Thanks.
Ever since the site move a couple months back I have been unable to update my dive profile view pictures and it seems that a lot of links are broken. I would upgrade to the paid subscription but it seems like those folks have the same issues.
Read a post from NetDoc they will be moving servers again at the end of the month so it will be awhile....
Yes, we hope to be moving away from incompetence and over the brighter side of sanity. I apologise for any delay.
Yes, we hope to be moving away from incompetence and over the brighter side of sanity. I apologise for any delay.

Don't worry Pete. Those of us that work in IT know what you're up against. Keep up the good work and I'm confident you guys will get it straightened out soon.
Glad to find out it wasn't just me...
Still don't know what's up, since the link (above) is dead, too ... ?
Recently ScubaBoard moved its servers to bigger and faster servers. Unexpectedly, one of these servers does not work correctly and it has complicated our move immensely!

Consequently, we have had to disable ALL of our add-ons, including our Photo Gallery, Dive Profile, Countdown Timer as well as many, many more. Please be patient as we work to stabilise our system and to get these incredible resources BACK ON LINE for you to enjoy! Thanks for your patience!
El Orans:
Recently ScubaBoard moved its servers to bigger and faster servers. Unexpectedly, one of these servers does not work correctly and it has complicated our move immensely!

Consequently, we have had to disable ALL of our add-ons, including our Photo Gallery, Dive Profile, Countdown Timer as well as many, many more. Please be patient as we work to stabilise our system and to get these incredible resources BACK ON LINE for you to enjoy! Thanks for your patience!

Or stabilize that is (for us Americans). :D

I'm always busting my British/European colleagues chops about the "s" v. "z". Couldn't resist.

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