thanks Vrykolakas. Just for the record, I didn't know Ben or MAD from before this trip. I saw them mentioned with good recommendations on SB and used them hoping to salvage my short weekend trip to Cancun. They did. Manta still has kept my $ - having money effectively stolen is a pretty bad experience. And of course they ignore my requests to give my money back (not for something I'm unhappy with but for unused service that they said they would provide back).
My name is Miguel I work for Manta Divers now for 6 years and I certainly am not a thief. Just to get the story right that I can prove with emails and paypal receipts to anyone who would like more info here is our side of the story:
Mr.Mann wanted to start a dive package but wanted to book it one day to the next, that is fine we get a lot of that but unfortunately we did not have a night dive planned due to not having divers for the day he wanted, I repeat it is ok to recieve reservations one day to the next but being a small personal service op we sometimes cannot provide a night dive as demanded.
Mr. Mann wanted also from one day to the next to book a hotel but was on a low budget so the owners of Manta Divers did go out of their way to get him a cheap hotel downtown, we even recommended a company we work for to get him a hotel but that did not work out, our contact said he was very rude and could not work with them, so we did get him a hotel, not only that but we unlike other dive operations do not pick up (for caverns we pick up at hotels on hotel zone and downtown but in this case the owners picked him up on their personal car and brought him to the shop), we have one of the best cave guides in the world, and he and others of our divers even the van driver claimed that Mr. Mann was very rude to all of them complaining etc. (I was not there) but I do have emails from our other clients that were and can post or pm anyone if there are doubts, because they all remember him quite well. He dove on March 21st. The next day and with such short notice we could not provide a night dive for one diver, but offered another dive in Cancun even a discount but he just wanted to cancel the rest of his dive package that was he was charged for Cavern dives but was refunded
The reason he cancelled the rest of his dive trip was us not been able to provide a night dive. I have prove of paypal return of u$155 ON APRIL 8TH, so when he posted his first post april 4th it had not been 4 weeks, unfortunately not only us but lately every dive shop has had to cancel dives and refund due to the harbor master closing the port due to high winds and had not had the chance to refund him his "STOLEN MONEY" until april 8th and this is because
HE DID NOT COME BY OUR SHOP TO PICK UP CASH REFUND. We have prove of all his emails one day before he came in Cancun, wanting a hotel right away etc. Mimi and John at Manta Divers were more than helpful with this person because we are that way if you are one only client or a group of 10. I repeat of all this I have proof if anyone would like to I can certainly send it.
MAD is an awesome dive op, Ben operates for the owners and is a magnificent instructor one of the few greatest instructors in the area, and they provide an excellent service.
But Spratman you have heard comments like this person's experience but you have on this same board mentioned and I quote "there are 2 great dive ops one is MAD and the other Manta Divers" sorry you changed your mind.
Truth is we do care for our clients and strive to provide the best service and there are several comments not only on this board about myself and our service in general.
Thank you for your time on reading this, and there is no argument about it, we have the emails stating that not doing night dive was reason to cancel, the paypal copy of refunded money, emails from other clients about their experience with this person at the Caverns and emails from our Cave guide as well.