If I understand things correctly, Australia handles a great, great number of divers every year, much more so than other holiday destinations in the SE Asia-Oceana part of the world. That Australia carries this volume of divers and has as little accidents as it does is a testament to the professionalism in the country. How many people have dived safely at Yongala since 2003 (if in fact we are drawing some kind of parallel)? How does that compare to the Blue Hole in Egypt or other dive sites routinely visited annually? What volume of divers is there comparatively speaking when we decide the safety of these places in juxtaposition to others!
I'd have to agree that Australia has the the most professional dive standards I've ever encountered, even when compared what I've encountered in CALI.
For example, there were two signatures required (yours and the deckmate) for every boat exit and three required (yours, the deckmate and the DM) for every boat entry, all to make sure no one was left behind at any particular site. We were over 30 miles from shore on a liveaboard for over a week, and I felt safer diving there then I do off some of our local monterey boats who just do a roll call before the first dive and after the last one. Leaving the door open for someone being left at a dive site somewhere in between.
When my husband and I eventually have our own charter we will be doing things the Australian way for sure. And we will be doing a checkout dive with every new customer. Return customers who've already done the checkout dive will get to proceed right on with there diving bypassing the checkout. But I think that as much as some people might be offended by the process and feel as though the're loosing a dive they've paid for, in the long run the type of customers we'll want... good divers who believe in putting safety first, will undertand that it's just because we care about their safety and are just trying to minimize the accidents and deaths while under out watch.
We've probably all been on a dive boat with someone who we knew before they even put one fin in the water, was going to be a problem diver and sure enough they always prove to be. Yet, a checkout dive seems to much to ask in NORCAL? No this brings up a hairy subject, people won't like to hear, but obvioulsy there will be people who won't pass the checkout dive or who prove to be a liability in some other way and those folks will be refunded their money for any incompleted dives and asked to never dive with us again. At the end of the day, I would rather loose out on business, if it meant saving lives. This sport isn't like golfing, where we all go home at the end of the day. I believe you have to have a respect for the sport and it's dangers and keep that in balance with your business greed.
**AND NOW FOR THE SB Flamers disclosure, all good hearted people can stop here: So go ahead and get your comments in about how we'll never turn a profit or get anyone on our boat with those protocols. How I'm stupid and don't know enough about this subject to have an oppinnion, let alone share it with the public. How you own a charter and know everything and would never do it that way and that's why you've had x number of people die on your charters. Blah, blah blah. :no