Can you tell us anything about Costa Rica Diving?

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Thanks to everyone. You've given us the exact information we were looking for but for the next trip we've decided on Belize.
Too bad. Costa Rica is fantastic I have been a couple of times. There is quit a bit to do when your not diving as well, big plus. If u do ever go head to Liberia like the other guy said a couple of the big airlines fly there once or twice a week. Oh and the costs are reasonable there as well. Lots of pics if u ever want to see them let me know.
Too bad. Costa Rica is fantastic I have been a couple of times. There is quit a bit to do when your not diving as well, big plus. If u do ever go head to Liberia like the other guy said a couple of the big airlines fly there once or twice a week. Oh and the costs are reasonable there as well. Lots of pics if u ever want to see them let me know.

Thanks a lot. We are interested in Costa Rica. We were booked for Cozumel that week as I had mentioned... thx Wilma. Since then we've been trying to arrange flights using FF miles and that's been a problem. We waited too long to confirm Costa Rica and I think we're pretty lucky getting the flights to Belize - we confirmed them immediately.
I can totally understand/relate to that. I just got back from Aruba two days ago. We were supposed to go to Coz:( Anyway, Aruba was about the only place we could get last minute. have a good time in Belize:)
Whilst the majority fo the diving is concentrated in the north catalina islands, there is also some beautiful diving in the south towards isla cano. Again time of year permitting. Best time is between december and may. lots of big palegics.
Costa Rica's pacific coast is an amazing place for diving. I'm working as an instructor for Rich Coast Diving and I'm allready 9 month here. So i can tell that the water can be could, but it changes a lot. Normally we have around 30celcius (80') on the surface and a few degrees colder under the thermo clites.
at the moment its kind of chilli. :)well its trough that the vis is not the best, but thats also cosed by lots of plankton and thats the reason we have lots of big stuff swimming around here.:)
there are not a lot of coralls, thats true, but therefore lot of life under every rock.
Its different but one of the best places i've ever dove at

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