Can you see ghosts?

Can you see ghosts?

  • Of course I can....can't everyone?

    Votes: 7 15.9%
  • I've had some experiences I can't explain in words...

    Votes: 19 43.2%
  • What are you talking about?

    Votes: 8 18.2%
  • You're insane and so are your friends....

    Votes: 10 22.7%

  • Total voters

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Sure. lots of stuff. dont really talk about it much though, heh.

when i was in highschool i was super sensitive to ghosts/spirit guides/whatever. saw them lurking all over the darn place. never told anyone though for fear of being labelled a crazy. :D

now it's just redced to meagre signs of them. cant see them like i used to but can sometimes "feel" when they are around.

obviously, i believe in them. they are for sure around.
Sure. lots of stuff. dont really talk about it much though, heh.

when i was in highschool i was super sensitive to ghosts/spirit guides/whatever. saw them lurking all over the darn place. never told anyone though for fear of being labelled a crazy. :D

now it's just redced to meagre signs of them. cant see them like i used to but can sometimes "feel" when they are around.

obviously, i believe in them. they are for sure around.

Could you communicate with them?

I've had a few occurences. Here in the PI a lot of people have their 3rd eye open. Wrote some of mine here:

The other day I was in an office with my friend at her desk. She says to me, "look over there" and points to these empty chairs in which the seat pads were slowly sinking down (as if someone was sitting on them). Freaky and amazing at the same time. Says it occurs every now and then always around 6 pm.
I seen a lot of wierd stuff out here in Okinawa, things in the corned of my eye other wird unexplanable things . Its spooky as hell , when im back stateside , nothing , i see nothing at all. This is suppost to be a very haunted Island.
I've had a few occurences. Here in the PI a lot of people have their 3rd eye open. Wrote some of mine here:

The other day I was in an office with my friend at her desk. She says to me, "look over there" and points to these empty chairs in which the seat pads were slowly sinking down (as if someone was sitting on them). Freaky and amazing at the same time. Says it occurs every now and then always around 6 pm.

I wonder if things that people think are ghosts always are. I've had a lot of encounters--seen and heard things--that I can't explain. I'm convinced that some of them were ghosts. Some of them were probably just things that I misinterpreted and some are just weird ....

For example, I had an experience a number of years ago. I was in bed and fast asleep and woke up to the sound of a party going on in the living room of my flat. I was alone so I couldn't ask anyone else if they heard it but I got up and walked into the living room. There was nobody there but there was definitely the sound of a party going on. It sounded like 200 people were standing there all talking at the same time. It was a hell of a racket and it was frightening and fascinating at the same time. I was sure I was awake. I hadn't been drinking or what not and I'm not psychotic and never have been. It went on like this for several minutes. I went to the fridge, got a glass of milk and sat down in the living room. I could make out words but it didn't sound like any language I'm familiar with. After a while I thought, maybe I should go for a walk and see if it goes away. I decided to try something else first and I said out loud "would you mind.....I'm trying to sleep here". And just like someone turned it off, it stopped.....

Freaky. I have no explaination for this at all. Was it ghosts? Was it happening in my head? I don't know. What I do konw is that I've had similar experiences on many occasions. A couple of times I was addressed directly. On one occasion it was an uncle of mine, someone who thought that life after death was B.S. He died of cancer and I had spoken to him about this before he died. I believe in life after death and reincarnation and he didn't. Anyway he had been dead for a few years and one night he just appeared in my house said something (which wasn't really like talking, it's like understand a thought) to the effect of "I was mistaken", which I assumed meant about life after death and disappeared again. I never talked about stuff like this because people think you ahve a screw loose but one night at a family get together one of my uncles started talking about it and it turns out that several other members of my family had had similar encounters. Were we all crazy?

Not long after that it happened again but it wasn't my uncle. I was reading a book when a spirit entered my flat, a man dressed like a middle-ages soldier. After picking my jaw up off the ground :shocked: I said "what are you doing here?" (if you ever encounter a ghost I hope you have the presense of mind to ask a more interesting question....but a la....that's the one I asked... :)) It responded with "you were Paul. You fell to your death" and then it disappeared. I have no idea what that meant but it freaked the living bejezus out of me and I started putting a lot of effort into ignoring anything remotely spiritual after that.

Just stuff like this has happened to me way too often for me to think it's all in my head. The most recent one, which was the reason for this thread, happened about a week ago. I was upstairs in the bedroom and I could hear someone walking back and forth between the kitchen and the living room. I thought someone was breaking in through the balcony attached to the kitchen and I grabbed a big stick I keep upstairs for just this event :D and ran downstairs.... Nobody was there and all teh doors were closed and locked. I don't know what that was but I can't explain it.


EDIT: P.S. I should just add this so I don't come across as a complete lunatic. I think it's possible for someone to have these kinds of experiences if they could somehow be awake and having a vivid dream at the same time. On balance I think it has to be something like this.

A couple of times I was addressed directly. On one occasion it was an uncle of mine, someone who thought that life after death was B.S. He died of cancer and I had spoken to him about this before he died. I believe in life after death and reincarnation and he didn't. Anyway he had been dead for a few years and one night he just appeared in my house said something (which wasn't really like talking, it's like understand a thought) to the effect of "I was mistaken", which I assumed meant about life after death and disappeared again. I never talked about stuff like this because people think you ahve a screw loose but one night at a family get together one of my uncles started talking about it and it turns out that several other members of my family had had similar encounters. Were we all crazy?

You might be crazzy but maybe not. I've seen things that I couldn't explain but there was always some one else there who seen it too. I've only had something like what you describe happen once. I had fallen asleep reading a book on the living room couch with all the lights on. Something woke me up. I got up and there were two people there. One was my Granfather who I had always been very close to who at the time lived 600 miles away. The other person was some one that I knew and some one who had been gone a long time. I remember my granfather pointing to him and asked me if I remembered him. I did and nodded "yes" though the next day I couldn't remember who it was. Now many years later, I think I know but I still don't really remember, my attention was pretty much fixed on my grandfather. My Grandfather started to talk. He explained that he was leaving. There was also something that he didn't want me to do. He told me not to go down there. He went on to say that first of all I had to think about my kids and there were my parents and so on and so forth. At the time I think I knew what it was that he was trying to talk me out of but now I'm not so sure. Through it all I don't think I was ever completely awake. I don't remember speaking other than giving yes/no type answeres but mostly just nodding my head. For some reason, I wasn't shocked that they were there and I never thought to ask any questions. When my Granfather finished talking I went back to the couch. I picked up the book I had dropped when I fell asleep and put it on the end table. I glanced at the clock and it was 2:xx am. I turned off the lights and just went back to sleep.

When I woke up in the morning the book was where I put it on the table and the lights were off. I had only been awake for a few minutes when the phone rang. It was my mother and I knew why she was calling before she ever said anything.

A dream? I've thought through the events as I remember them many times over the years. At some point I had picked up the book and turned out the lights. I also knew why my mother was calling including the time he had passed away before she told me. He was only 78 and he had not been sick or anything so it's not like I was expecting his death. Maybe I wasn't all the way awake or very alert because I would think I would have had a million questions for him but I didn't. It's like I knew the answer to all those questions and didn't need to ask. At the time I wasn't the least bit shocked and everything that was happening seemed to make perfect sense so I just listened and nodded.
Could you communicate with them?


Not really. Once in a while i'd get a feeling of what one was saying to i was reading thoughts or something, but no, no real communication. i wish there was though. it would have been neat.

*I see dead people*

*they're everywhere*

My brother and I have had some similar experiences. Our parents built a house in the mountains of North Carolina and we each have had our own unexplained experiences.

My brother awoke one morning to the sound of a baby laughing and when he opened his eyes he saw a Native American woman holding a baby standing over him. The baby was smiling and laughing and he could see right through them to the ceiling. As he kept looking at them, they slowly faded away along with the sound of the baby laughing.

My room was the bonus room above our garage and a couple of times a night I would hear someone climbing the stairs to my room and then knock on the door. I would say, "come in," but there would be no one at the door. Thinking it was my brother playing a trick on me, I went exploring through the attack across from my room and throughout the garage. I went back into my room and waited by the door and a short while later I heard the tell tale footsteps of someone climbing the stairs and the knock at the door. I opened the door in a flash and there was no one there.

While over here in Iraq, I have been walking alone after dark and would see human shaped shadow figures along the palm trees near the path I was taking on more than one occasion. Do they frighten, but they do put my senses on full alert.

Another example is we had a missionary visit our church and talk about an experience he had. While on a mission trip to Africa, he would ride his bicycle from one villiage to a nearby town to pick up medical supplies. On one such trip, he couldn't make it back to the villiage before dark so he erected a small shelter and slept for the night. Twelve men from his home church all at the same time felt an incredible urge to pray for the missionary. When he awoke the next morning he found a warrior from a native African tribe asking the missionary who he was traveling with. The man told the native warrior he was traveling alond but the warrior said they had planned on killing him in his sleep but as they got close to his make-shift shelter they saw 12 large men with spears surrounding protecting him in his shelter.

The point to all of my rambling is there are things we experience we can not explain. Are we crazy for catching the glimpse of something out of the corner of our eye or having a personal experience with the unexplained? I don't think so. I think those of us who are more tuned in to our surroundings are able to perceive things that are there that science can not explain.

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