I appreciate that! I'm doing my research now, so I am ready to buy in a few weeks. I do appreciate the concern... as it is, my GF does scuba, my friends do scuba, and I have already experienced snuba (kiddie scuba) which I enjoyed. The water doesn't bother me, and I don't freak out easily.
I actually quite appreciated your post, it's a very good reminder to take it step by step. It is entirely possible my passion for scuba will subside, or I decide I'm not that into and just want to vacation dive in resort areas with the GF and family. Knowing myself, that's unlikely. But if it does happen, buying used and selling used - while a bit of a hassle - isn't the end of the world to me, or much of a loss. Given my personality, the hobbies I already love, my flexible work schedule, and the people I am surrounded with, I can't imagine scuba not being part of my life in some capacity.
But regardless, I understand what your saying. Not need to rush it. Drysuits, yes. I plan to buy after OW weekend, so if I'm feeling hesitant about my passion for coldwater diving at that time I obviously won't pull the trigger.
By the way, it's nice to meet you! I appreciate your help and input, and your concern. That is a bummer about your friend.