Cabo San Lucas in late May?

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Reaction score
Kennesaw, GA
# of dives
100 - 199
My wife and I and my parents are planning a trip the end of May. I was considering Cabo San Lucas. My mother doesn't dive and I want her to have plenty of beaches and things to do above water.

However, I was wondering what the diving conditions are like in Cabo. I know it is not the same as carribean diving but just trying to get an idea for late May. Avg. water temp? Good dive operator? Avg. visibility?

If I want to play it safe we may just head to the BVI. We normally hang out in the Caymans but thought we would do something different this time. My wife gets cold easy, but she does have a 5 mm suit. Just don't know if late May is the best time for Cabo.

I particularly want to check out Sammy Hagar's Cabo Wabo Cantina.

Thanks for any feedback!

Sammy's Cantina was nice, behind the rainbow bar. As for diving, I dove there last fall and posted a trip report here in this forum. I dove a place that i believe goes by several different names, Sand Falls, Bird Rock, Arco etc. Max depth was 72 feet for 32 minutes, I saw some eels, pompano, a shark and lots of other fish. I didn't like my dive operator very much and I was very happy to bring my own gear.
I'll be there beginning of May. I was also there last March and the ocean was pretty rough. Helped rescue a girl from the surf. I didn't dive but snorkelled and the vis was crap. I heard you should make the trek to La Paz to dive. There is another thread going about La Paz.
We were in Cabo last year end of May/beginning of June; we'll do it again this year (May 22-June 4 or thereabouts).

The water is still variable (can be in the 60's; or up to 80) at this time. We were comfortable snorkeling in a shorty (2-3 mm); a 5 mm full is adequate for Cabo.

There's quite a bit of activities for non-divers; golf, horseback, deep sea fishing, etc. or just lying on the beach. If you're into parties & nightclubs, Cabo San Lucas itself is the place to go. If not, anywhere... Our family stays at a timeshare near San Jose where it's much quieter.


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