Cabo San Lucas Dive Report from Baja Dive

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Dive Report from Cabo San Lucas Sep.28th
Dive Report from Cabo San Lucas Sep.28th
Vis 50 to 60 feet
Water Temp 84 Degrees
Air Temp 90 Degrees
No surge and no current
Frist Dive was at North Wall was with 4 Discover Scuba Divers.This is the Best part of Diving seeing the Joy in the face of a first time Diver and hearing them tell about there experence after the Dive.And theres no better place than calm clear waters of Cabo.
Divers reported seeing Puffers,Green Morays,Boxfish,Parrotfish,Rainbow Wrasse.
2nd Dive was just a good at Pelican Rock with Frogfish,Trumpetfish,Triggerfish,Groupers,big School of Yellow Snappers.
Good Diving to all.
Dive Report from Cabo San Lucas Sep.29th
Vis 80 feet
Water Temp. 83 degrees.
No current and no surge.
Well were back to the Ideal Conditions that Cabo is known for. Warm Clear and Calm water.
Frist Tank was at Pelican Rock. Divers reported seeing a Zebra Moray at 60 feet.
also seen were Round stingray,Blue and Gold Snappers, Almaco Jack,Spottail Grunt.
2nd Dive was at Neptunes Finger great Vis and no current.Divers reported seeing
Mexican Barracuda, Groupers, Lobsters, Giant Damsefish, Redlight Gobys,Spotted Porcupinefish, Green Morays.
good Diving to all
Dive Report from Cabo San Lucas Oct.3rd
Vis.75 feet
Water Temp 84 Degrees No current and no Surge.
I took my 11 year old son Alvin out for a Dive At Pelican Rock what a Joy it is to see him Diving and having the time of his life. Sometimes I forget how lucky we are to work at what we love and to have such great Diving in our back yard.
We saw a Zebra Eel, Big Grouper, Frogfish, Green Morays, Starfish, Cortez Angles, Rainbow Wrasse, and a Giant Sea Lion.
Good Diving to all
Cabo pulmo Dive Report Oct.5th.
Water temp 85 degrees Vis 85 feet.
We had a very nice trip to Cabo Pulmo.The reef was packed with tropical Marine life its great to see that the marine park is doing so well. This meaans we will have a wonderfull site for years to come.
Divers reported seeing A School of Amber Jacks in the 35 pound range.The school numbered in the thousands.
Also seen were some Hammer Heads, garden Eels,Balloonfish, Spotted Boxfish, Cortez and King Angelfish, and many many more species of tropical marine life.
After the Dive we had a great lunch at the Beach resturant. Fish and beef tacos. Fresh fish caught by the local fishermen.
Good Diving to all.
Dive Report from Cabo San Lucas Oct 9th.
Vis 80 feet
Water Temp 86 Degrees
No current slight surge
1st. Dive was at No. Wall Divers reported seeing a large school of Mantas, Garden Eels,Triggerfish, Cortez Angels,Yellow Seahorse,Lobsters, Green Morays.
2nd Dive at Pelican Rock.
Divers saw Trumpetfish, Puffers, Frogfish, School of Grunts, King Angles, The Sand Falls were running really good.
We have not been affected by the storms yet Diving is great so what are ya waiting for? Get down here and Dive.
Good Diving to all.
Dive Report from Cabo San Lucas Oct.11
Water Temp 85 degrees
Vis 80 feet
A little surge
A slight Current
1st Dive Middle Wall Divers saw a big Grouper around 200 lbs, spotted Eel, Lobsters, tons of tropical Fish
2nd Dive was at the point there was a giant Bait Ball, Lots of Sea Lions at the Colony and also at the Wreck,Last Rock is a great place to see Mirco life and big Grouper.There was a current here today but not real Bad.
Tomorrow were going to Cabo Pulmo see ya when we get back.
Good Diving to all.
Scuba Diving Report from Cabo San Lucas Oct. 13th
We Dove Cabo Pulmo today and it was Awsom.
Vis. 100 feet
Water Temp 86 degrees.
Tacos killer.
Words cant begin to describe this Dive Site you just have to come and Dive it.
The coral Reef is in great condition with more marine life than any site anywhere.
Even the Dive Master was Giddy.
Sites at Cabo were also great vis 80 feet water 85 degrees.
No current and no surge. Its really nice to see marine parks that are really protected.
Good Diving to all.
Scuba Diving Report from Cabo San Lucas Oct.16th.
Vis. 100 feet
water Temp 85 degrees
No surge Med. Current
Today we Dove Pelican Rock. Super clear water. lots of Marine life as always. The Divers told the Dive Master that that were suprised to see this much Tropical Marine life. We hear this almost every Day.The Diving here is way under rated but more and more Divers are finding out that this is really is a great spot.
We saw Cortez Angles, King Angles, Parrotfish, trumpetfish, Puffers, Frogfish, Groupers, grunts, all and all just another great day at a great site.
Good Diving to all.
Dive Report from Cabo San Lucas Oct. 18th
Todays Vis 70 to 80 feet
Water temp 84 degrees
Todays first Dive was at Pelican Rock We back rolled into a giant school of Small Bait fish they were all around the Boat.As we headed toward the Caynon wall there were lots of big Grunts following the baitfish.We went down to 90 feet and over to the Sand Falls the sand was falling really fast really good show today.
We were the first boat out so we had the site to our selfs for most of the Dive next we went to see the statue of St. Lucas that sits in 30 feet of water just above the Sand Falls. As we were going back to the boat we saw a big Yellow Sea Horse about 9 Inches long we also saw a nice Zebra Moray also seen were Cortez Angels, Trumpetfish, and just tons of Mirco life on the Rocks.
No current or surge here.
2nd Dive was at the Point we had a strong current from North to South but water was still clear.
At Last Rock there were Bumphead Parrotfish, Ballonfish, Groupers, Hawkfish, A big Cortez Round Stingray, and lots of fish on the lee side of the rock.The Sea Lions wound not come in an Play Today.:depressed: Maby tomorrow.
Good Diving to all.

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