C-53 wreck dive

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Well yeah! It's obligatory! :14:

Haha...if you haven't been to the head...you haven't dove the wreck :)
dang...I didn't have my light with me and a tuna scared me out of going any further inside.
dang...I didn't have my light with me and a tuna scared me out of going any further inside.
Tuna ? or the big grouper that used to hang out inside?

Maybe it was the big grouper...all I know is that everyone around the wreck could hear me scream when we went in the first chamber and something HUGE shot out and gulped up a bunch of little fishies...I just knew it was a barracuda (even though it was the wrong shape) and I just knew that I was going to be eaten alive by whatever sea monster was hiding in that wreck.

My face was pretty red when we all surfaced and everyone was asking who the heck screamed and why?
It'd be nice if someone would post some recent pics (post Wilma) showing the storm damage
It'd be nice if someone would post some recent pics (post Wilma) showing the storm damage

Of the wreck or just pictures?

If you want just pictures visit Antonio's site or query this forum for "more pictures" a post I did a while back.

It'd be nice if someone would post some recent pics (post Wilma) showing the storm damage

The guy with the camera in our, I mean, my friend's group was on a different boat.

My trip on March 25th just got moved to March 4th ! As Goldie used to say, "Whoopee!"
Ron Brandt:
Of the wreck or just pictures?

If you want just pictures visit Antonio's site or query this forum for "more pictures" a post I did a while back.


I mean pictures of the Wreck...............There's plenty of pictures of the storm damage to the island
Maybe it was the big grouper...all I know is that everyone around the wreck could hear me scream when we went in the first chamber and something HUGE shot out and gulped up a bunch of little fishies . . .
My guess is the same Grouper that I have written about in the past.

When I was in a small dive group about to exit a big square hole in the side of the Wreck, we passed a fair sized Grouper hanging back in the shadows. As we exited the Wreck, the "bait ball" parted like the Red Sea allowing us passage. After I got outside, I turned around to get a picture of the English guy behind me (David maybe?) I line up a shot and I was about to snap a picture of him coming through the hole, when a streak of dark heat shot out of the opening, gulping a bunch of the bait fish. My eyes were as big as dinner plates. Of course the English guy didn't see the Grouper, but he saw my eyes, and that semi-freaked him out, wondering what was right behind him. He turned around to see what had surprised me so much. Here was the Grouper cruising contently back into the dark confines of the wreck. It passed casually less than a foot from him after he had turned around. It acted as if we didn't even exist.

Of course the "bait ball" is always fun to play with, like a wall of liquid mercury. When faced with the dilema of trying to stay away from the divers, and trying to stay inside the Wreck, they hesitated for a moment at the edge of light at the opening. The Grouper had learned to follow the divers and make a meal of the conflicted fish.

Too bad I was too freakin' lame to get a shot of it! (I think I might have a shot of the Grouper himself somewhere)

I really enjoyed diving the C-53 Wreck!


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