Looking to upgrade my drysuit. Right now I have a bare nexgen shell suit. It's not bad for the money I paid for it, but with it being a shell suit it has no inherit warmth of its own. Seeing as I am mostly cold blooded I get cold very easy. I would like to upgrade to a crushed neaprene suit. Some other features that I would like in the drysuit are latex neck and wrist seals because of my small wrists, soft socks, and suspenders would also be nice. I was also wondering if there was much difference in the integrity of the suit between the front entry and the rear entry. Are there more pros to one or the other or is it mostly just personnal choice. Lastly, I would like to keep the price within the $1500 to $2000 range, but will consider any suggestions. Alot of questions in alittle space, thanks for any help that can be given.