buying equipment

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I've been getting lots of info. from the forum. I have also been reading Scuba Diving and I've been to a dive shop.
The magazine had an issue about the best gear stuff. It stated that you shouldn't buy regulators from mail order catalogs. But the dive shop was much more expensive and had a small selection of equipment.
Is it really true that you have to get a regulator from a dive shop to have it properly tuned? Leisure Pro has a maintenance program as well as offers a wide selection at much better prices, on everything.What's the real scoop?
Pandora's box opening!

Mermom, (that was Ethyl, wasn't it?),

This subject has been thoroughly debated, debased and deloused on this Board. You will find it somewhat controversial and you might be initiating a sorta Hatfield and McCoy type feud on this topic.

May I be so bold as to suggest that you use the "SEARCH" function of the Board? It's on upper right hand corner if memory serves (which these days it only reluctantly does). You can search terms like, "On-line buying", "Catlog buying", "Leisure Pro", "LDS vs. on-line buying" and probably some others.

Before you do that, though, rustle up some good crackers, some nice California cheese and a glass of good California Cabernet. You might as well be prepared for a lot of reading.

Hope this helps. If not, send a letter to the management: they have been looking for an excuse to cut my pay.


As our esteemed regulator stated so well (that's you Joe), this is one of those discussions that ends up being more fun than a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

Bottom line, the more intelligentsia among us agree; NEVER BUY LIFE-SUPPORT EQUIPMENT ON-LINE!!!!!! nuff said
Originally posted by joewr
  • Hope this helps. If not, send a letter to the management: they have been looking for an excuse to cut my pay.
Gee...what how does that song go? "Nothin' from nothin' leaves nothin'???"

You just got hired and already KN is doing budget cuts??? Time to sell my shares! :jester:

MerMom...Do search the boards for past floggings of this question, they will prove insiteful. In addition to BLTN's comment of never buy life support online, I will add:
  • Supporting your LDS (local dive shop) can reap benefits over time.
Yes, the gear can be a bit more pricey, but you get the one-on-one service that this type of purchase requires. A quick personal case-in-point: When my brand new high priced (and high end) regulator failed right before a big out-of-town trip, the dive shop owner handed me his personal rig (the same as mine btw) to use on the trip. If I had made this purchase online, I would have had to cancel the trip while I waited for my reg to reach the online shop, them fix it, and then ship it back.

Also, because of my patronage, My LDS now provides me free tank rentals and free air fills as well as a discount on future purchases.

Esentially, the extra $100-200 or so you spend at your LDS will be easily made up after the sale from the little "extras" that the LDS will do to keep you as a happy customer.

Something to think about.
I just took my refresher course a couple months ago and have just bought a full slew of gear. I debated with myself a lot over the online vs. shop question. One of my problems was that I was using just one shop, once I expanded a bit I found one that provided much better service and prices. I bought the main stuff (bc, reg/octo, wetsuit) from the shops and the rest (computer, knife, slate,etc) online. The computer I got for about $125 cheaper online, but would rethink the decision again if I had to make it. Most of the good equipment does not fail, but when it does, as Mike said, it is really nice to have a dive shop help you out. My main deal is if I use their expertise and they are providing a good bang for the buck then I will use the shop. Keep in mind also some stuff has lifetime warranties, but only if you get it from a local shop. An extra hundred bucks or so is not bad for a life time warranty. I spent hours talking with the guys about what to get. The more familiar with gear I get I may be more tempted to get gear online, but not for now. As far as the reg tuning, I asked that also but did not get much response. The ones I got from the shops, a Zeagle 50 and apeks tx40, did not seem to have anything done to them. My bottom line is I would look for more shops.

As a relativly new diver I too am looking to start buying equiptment and I do like being able to ask questions and look over various options at the lds. However where I live (Wichita,Kansas) there are only three dive shops anywhere close to me and that makes it hard to really shop around(while I was in California a couple of weeks ago I went to several dive shops and found a lot of gear cheaper then my lds).
I however am of the opinion that I should just bite the bullet on the extra cost and purchase my life support equipment in my lds that way I can be assured of getting my gear fixed/serviced without a major headache. Plus it would give me the option to try most of it first and be able to return it if im not happy with it. The shop I deal with most is pretty understanding about that stuff and fairly flexible.
Welcome from Rochester N.Y.

I bought all of my life support equipment at my "not so local" LDS (I prefer the shop an hour and a half away over the ones twenty minutes away). They gave me better prices for buying all at once. They also knocked a little more off when I told them what I could buy for on-line. This requires a tactfull approach though.
I have bought wetsuits and fins on-line, and I just ordered a tank. My favorite shop doesn't carry the brand I want.

Happy shopping, Tavi
Saw your favorite instructor last thursday night at the pool with students, delivered your message and said hi right back at ya!!

Geez BLTN, did you have to say that about Joewr? He has the big head enough already because of that designation he received.

Mermom, I agree with the majority. You "support the local sheriff" so "support your local LDS"

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