Are any other Dive Shops finding this year to be alot slower than last? I am not talking about gear sales, we all know they have dropped over the years, I am talking about classes and trips. We have noticed an alarming drop in sign ups for both. I would like to know that it is not our staff that is causing this, we are always complimented on our friendliness to our customers and friends regardless of whether they purchase online or not.
I have talked to a few other shop owners, I have an uncle in South Carolina with a shop and some friends in Ala, and they say its the same for them. If this is a sign of things to come, I don't like them. Anyone had any good luck in certain recent advertisements or promotions? And if so will you share them?
I have talked to a few other shop owners, I have an uncle in South Carolina with a shop and some friends in Ala, and they say its the same for them. If this is a sign of things to come, I don't like them. Anyone had any good luck in certain recent advertisements or promotions? And if so will you share them?