In climbing, prusik loops are used for ascending a fixed rope, primarily if the climber falls and is hanging on the rope by his/her harness. Also used in crevasse self-rescue. I think the only thing in common here is that the fisherman's knot is used for both making the bungee necklace and for making the prusik loop. Making a prusik loop for a bungee necklace would not make any sense, the whole point of the loop is for something different.
BTW, most climbers don't even use the prusik loop system any more, they use mechanical ascenders, which generally work a lot better. The advantage of the prusik is that's much lighter, so climbers use them in situations where they think it's unlikely that they'll actually be needed.
BTW, most climbers don't even use the prusik loop system any more, they use mechanical ascenders, which generally work a lot better. The advantage of the prusik is that's much lighter, so climbers use them in situations where they think it's unlikely that they'll actually be needed.