Bull Shoals

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I saw the spearfishing thread on Bull Shoals. It was mentioned that viz was 20 to 30 feet even up shallow. Is this true? Is the water as cold as Table Rock? What is there of interest to diving to see--I don't spearfish. N
I saw the spearfishing thread on Bull Shoals. It was mentioned that viz was 20 to 30 feet even up shallow. Is this true? Is the water as cold as Table Rock? What is there of interest to diving to see--I don't spearfish. N

Yes it's true!

Avg temp for 11 dives last week was 79 degrees, only went below 30' once. Surface is about 80-82. Drop below the thermocline & yes, it will be as cold as Table Rock.

Vis along most of the cliff walls was great. In some of the bays around the brush piles it sucked. I like to dive the walls, lots of fish to see (even if you're not hunting them). Some of the walls have trees.

Here is a link that Bull Shoals Boat Dock has of a Dive Site map:

Not near as much boat traffic on Bull Shoals as there is on Table Rock.

I saw the spearfishing thread on Bull Shoals. It was mentioned that viz was 20 to 30 feet even up shallow. Is this true? Is the water as cold as Table Rock? What is there of interest to diving to see--I don't spearfish. N

I've been diving Bull Shoals for about 3 years now and I prefer it over Table Rock and Beaver as far as vis, I personally rank them (1)Bull Shoals, (2)Beaver, and (3)Table Rock. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy diving all 3 and each one of them have their own special attractions but vis wise, Bull Shoals is about the best in my book.

I know there is a sunken helicopter somewhere even though I don't know where, I'm sure if you checked with one of the local dive shops or marina's they could tell you as well as other attractions I'm not aware of. I primarily do the wall dives when I'm there mainly because that's where my group goes.

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