Bull Shoals this weekend??

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Reaction score
Highland Village, TX
# of dives
100 - 199
I will taking my family to Bull Shoals for the 4th of July weekend (Fri - Mon). I'll have my pontoon boat and gear, but nobody to dive with. Is anyone interested in meeting up for a few dives? I've never dove the lake, but hear that it is pretty good. If you can't go, any dive advice would be appreciated as well. Thanks!
I will taking my family to Bull Shoals for the 4th of July weekend (Fri - Mon). I'll have my pontoon boat and gear, but nobody to dive with. Is anyone interested in meeting up for a few dives? I've never dove the lake, but hear that it is pretty good. If you can't go, any dive advice would be appreciated as well. Thanks!

Print yourself one of these maps http://www.bullshoalslakeboatdock.com/scuba/
or stop by the BullShoals boat dock for a copy. You can get air fills there also.

I'd sure like to be back down there but heading for South Dakota this weekend (spearfishing season opens July 1)

Have a good time!

Tempting, but I can't this weekend. Keep us informed of future dates though!
My parents live out by the Norfolk Dam. I heard from my Dad that there is a bridge and a town site somewhere in Lake Norfolk.
I got 5 dives in over the weekend. Visability was 10 - 20 feet, depending on the location. There was a drastic thermocline at 20 feet. I switched from a shorty to a 3 mil full with a hood to get below 25 feet. My computer said it was 67 degrees at 46 feet, but it felt colder than that to me. I couldn't find the wreck of the SS Minnow, but was able to find the Spanish wrecks (map names.) Saw lots of bream, bass and a pretty big catfish. Got some good pictures. We stayed at Bel Arco, and my wife was not happy at all. The room and grounds were really bad. Nothing like the pictures on their website. Those pictures must be 20 years old. There were bugs stuck in the cobwebs and the playground was rotten and over grown. Some of white towells they supplied us with actually brown. Our luggage in now on our back patio, because when we opened it, some bugs decided to come home with us. The restuarant food was good, but I won't stay there again. It's ashamed, because the resort could be really nice.

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