Bull Shoals shore diving?

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Oklahoma City, OK
# of dives
100 - 199
We have a week planned at Bull Shoals, Arkansas, in July. What is shore diving like?
Last summer we joined my brother-in-law and his family at Bull Shoals-White River State Park and had a great time -- clear water, great visibility, critters, plus lots of fun with family. Trouble is, it was all boat diving with their pontoon boat.
They won't be with us in July as planned, so are we out of luck?
The campsite is awesome -- crystal clear cold water (drysuit country, if you want to brave the fishermen on shore and drifting with the current.) The fog coming off the lake led to some memorable walks at night (the UFOs in the sky are really towers and houses -- cool!) Excellent conditions in the summer heat. And Gastons is a good place for a surface interval.
We have a week planned at Bull Shoals, Arkansas, in July. What is shore diving like?
Last summer we joined my brother-in-law and his family at Bull Shoals-White River State Park and had a great time -- clear water, great visibility, critters, plus lots of fun with family. Trouble is, it was all boat diving with their pontoon boat.
They won't be with us in July as planned, so are we out of luck?
The campsite is awesome -- crystal clear cold water (drysuit country, if you want to brave the fishermen on shore and drifting with the current.) The fog coming off the lake led to some memorable walks at night (the UFOs in the sky are really towers and houses -- cool!) Excellent conditions in the summer heat. And Gastons is a good place for a surface interval.

Hi Trisha,

I enjoy diving Bull Shoals also, I prefer it over Table Rock or Beaver even though Beaver is nice also. I have been diving there several times but like you, they have all been boat dives so I would be interested in finding some shore diving also. If you come across any information that doesn't get posted here maybe you could pass it on to me and I will do likewise. I haven't even been diving yet this year so I hope to be getting wet soon!
We have a week planned at Bull Shoals, Arkansas, in July. What is shore diving like?
Last summer we joined my brother-in-law and his family at Bull Shoals-White River State Park and had a great time -- clear water, great visibility, critters, plus lots of fun with family. Trouble is, it was all boat diving with their pontoon boat.
They won't be with us in July as planned, so are we out of luck?
The campsite is awesome -- crystal clear cold water (drysuit country, if you want to brave the fishermen on shore and drifting with the current.) The fog coming off the lake led to some memorable walks at night (the UFOs in the sky are really towers and houses -- cool!) Excellent conditions in the summer heat. And Gastons is a good place for a surface interval.

Just curious, but isn't renting a pontoon an option? And, BullShoalsLakeMarina advertises running trips. That might help you get the lay of the land. Haven't dived there yet, myself, hoping to get there this summer.
Hi Trisha,

I enjoy diving Bull Shoals also, I prefer it over Table Rock or Beaver even though Beaver is nice also. I have been diving there several times but like you, they have all been boat dives so I would be interested in finding some shore diving also. If you come across any information that doesn't get posted here maybe you could pass it on to me and I will do likewise. I haven't even been diving yet this year so I hope to be getting wet soon!


Last year when we were down there Spearfishing, some of the guys were diving from the shore around the Oakland area park.

We're heading down there June 14. Spearfishing opens the 15th.


Last year when we were down there Spearfishing, some of the guys were diving from the shore around the Oakland area park.

We're heading down there June 14. Spearfishing opens the 15th.


Hey Terry, how you doing? Thanks for the response, this will be myt third year diving Bull Shoals but I've always done it from a boat. I'll have to check into the Oakland Park area and see what I can find out about it. As scububa said, I know you can rent boats, I have a boat of my own for that matter (not a pontoon), but it would be nice to find a few shore dives for a change, something a person could do on the spur of the moment without having to rent or pull a boat down there.

I would like to join you guys down there when you go down but unfortunately (or fortunately :10: ) I am heading for Costa Rica on the 11th for a week. Unfortunately I won't be getting much diving in, maybe a day or two if I'm lucky but it should be a fun trip anyway. Let me know how the spearfishing goes, I bought a speargun last Fall that I have never used yet so I'm really itching to try it out. Good luck with the fishing!

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