My buddy and I dived with mating bull sharks off Bat Island Costa Rica back in 1998. The dive op did not know they were mating when we descended, but called all the other ops when we got back to warn them.
They were very aggressive and to say the least we were all "one with the rocks". The divemaster for our group got charged a couple of times. He signaled and we swam off, laying low to the rocks, my buddy and I actually doing a pull and glide to stay low and away, until we got away from the mating area. (don't fret, no coral there)
We did our deco stop at 15' without a reference as the op was doing live pickup. My buddy and I just faced each other during our deco....every so often I would look down expecting to see the typical JAWS clip of a open-mouthed shark coming up fast from the bottom to nibble on us!
The really cool thing on that dive was the deco stop. While we were hanging there, I looked off into the water column over my buddy's shoulder. I saw a marlin meandering behind him and quickly spun him around so he would not miss it. If I had gestured for him to look he wouldn't have turned in time. We still laugh to this day about that incident....he likes to tell people what was on his mind when I spun him...."I was sure a bull was coming up behind us and she was throwing me at him to save herself". We were later told we should have been more concerned about the marlin, than we were about the bulls. :blinking: