To try to prevent spread of Stony Coral, Buddy Dive asked that divers who had been at northern sites rinse their gear in 1% bleach solution before regular rinse; but the tanks with the bleach in them were nowhere near the dock. Did not see bleach tanks up at the dive and drive either. I did not see many divers actually follow this practice.
I personally didn't mind as the bleach got the stink out of the wetsuits, if you catch my drift.
Re rental car, absolutely agree with full video walk around. I have been burned in the past at Buddy Dive and Andy's Car Rental on GC. Your credit card insurance apparently does not apply for island rentals or for trucks.
I personally don't need DMs to point out critters. I just want them to get me to the site and then hopefully leave me alone.
I personally didn't mind as the bleach got the stink out of the wetsuits, if you catch my drift.
Re rental car, absolutely agree with full video walk around. I have been burned in the past at Buddy Dive and Andy's Car Rental on GC. Your credit card insurance apparently does not apply for island rentals or for trucks.
I personally don't need DMs to point out critters. I just want them to get me to the site and then hopefully leave me alone.