Buddy Bailed on me

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Reaction score
North Carolina
# of dives
100 - 199
I got a little problem and I would like a little advice. My buddy from got sick and can't dive this weekend. All of my other contacts have different plans. I have rented gear sitting in my living room for this weekend. I am debating just going it alone on Saturday and Sunday and working on buoyancy and navigation. It will be at a local quarry and I plan on keeping my depth at a max of 40 feet. I am well aware that this is not a standard practice. I will have Safety tube and other signal devices. I think feel very confident about my boundaries. I am just looking for advice and additional safety I should adhere to thanks. Please only serious comments.
Don't rely on buddies! Been solo diving for years. Wouldn't have it any other way.
I think somebody who has 0-24 dives is probably not ready to solo, and a dive to 40 feet might not be much less risky than a dive to 60 or 80 feet. Do you think a safety tube and signal devices significantly mitigate the risks of a quarry dive? Are they losing a lot of divers on the surface of this particular quarry? It doesn't sound to me as if you've given a lot of thought to how this dive could go wrong.
I suggest taking this one over in the solo diving section of the board, just for the public peace..
Based on the num,ber of dives you have My recommendation would be to skip diving is weekend, unless you come up with a new buddy.
First thing is nope, you shouldn't dive solo with your experience level. Call your instructor or LDS where you were certified and they may well know of someone that can do a jump with you. you might have to buy gas or lunch or something but so what. Have fun and stay safe
Sorry if you've already asked, but have you contacted the dive shop where you rented your gear for either a) cancellation of the present rent, b) help find a dive buddy or c) ask for a DM to dive with you to and give advice on your nav and buoyancy?
Which Quarry? I see you are in NC, is it a PDRA Quarry? If its Lake Norman Quarry then there will be lots of people around on the weekend. Just show up with a big sign that says "Buddy Needed" and I'll bet you find one.
If your going to be alone at a quarry then thats bad. Even a non-diving-related accident could be a problem if your alone behind a locked gate (even though I go swimming that way all the time).
New divers can find it difficult to find dive buddys. Many divers have their little groups that they know and are comfortable with, but with a little effort it should not be too hard and as long as you show that you take it serious most will be happy do dive with you a 2ed, 3red, etc time.
I have not used this service, but you might also try ScubaBoard - Find a Dive Buddy I would check the profile and recent posts of the names you get to see if they might be a good buddy canadate.

I got a little problem and I would like a little advice. My buddy from got sick and can't dive this weekend. All of my other contacts have different plans. I have rented gear sitting in my living room for this weekend. I am debating just going it alone on Saturday and Sunday and working on buoyancy and navigation. It will be at a local quarry and I plan on keeping my depth at a max of 40 feet. I am well aware that this is not a standard practice. I will have Safety tube and other signal devices. I think feel very confident about my boundaries. I am just looking for advice and additional safety I should adhere to thanks. Please only serious comments.
The problem with solo diving when you are this new, is that you really don't know how you will react if something goes wrong. Short of getting inextricably entangled, there's nothing I can think of that will kill you in 40 feet of water . . . assuming you keep your head on straight, remain calm, and work through issues. But do you know if you can do that?

People who solo dive have generally given some significant thought to the likely hazards of the sites they frequent, and to the most likely and most hazardous problems they may encounter. They are almost always set up with a completely redundant gas supply, and have thought about things like having cutting devices where they can be reached no matter HOW they are tangled up.

I just mention those specifics as examples of the kind of forethought you need to have to dive solo as safely as possible.

With regards to your issue -- is the site you were going to one frequented by divers? Might it be possible to drive there and see if you can hook up with another team?

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