Broken heart?

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chickdiver once bubbled...
drain your toilet, superglue thier picture to the bottom. Always helps me .


Seriously, hope that made you smile.

Is that just cuz you like sitting over their face??? :eek:
chickdiver once bubbled...
Mail off pictures to inmates in local prisons with a touching and titillating letter of introduction (include your ex's return address and phone number, of course).

Chickdiver, I always knew you were worthy of admiration......

This just reinforces it....

for further suggestions, there's always the bathroom wall and magic marker with an appropriate message.

Phone numbers included, of course.

It won't heal a broken heart right away, but it may help you giggle yourself to sleep. And that'll get you past it, at least for a while.....

Other than that, loud music and alcohol, and pals around to lend support.

Cheers, dude.....
...pick up a new hobby or rekindle the interest in an old one. Dive, exercise, walk (or run) in a park, fly a kite, check out a live band, read, take a class.....just make sure you do something. Sitting around and falling apart will only bum you out more!

And what all of that doesn't cure, time will......
The best women to meet are the ones into diving;)
If it's a bad break up, there's nothing like revenge to make you feel better.

If it just didn't work out - then try & keep your self busy w/ your hobbies, old friends etc...

Either way that heart of yours will mend & be better than ever. And you'll be ready to give it to someone else.
Thanks for all of your suggestions. If I was in a better mood, I would have laughed at some of them. Except yours Annie...that just hurt.
Apologies Paul, that was a thoughtless post. I only posted it because thinking that way has helped me pick myself up and get out there again in the past - I meant well.
Do something, anything that makes you feel better and try to cheer yourself up I guess is what I was trying (v. badly) to say.
Remember folks, this may all be in fun - but there is always another side to every story.

and in my limited experience, matters of the heart are always confused.

PaulB - I don't know how long you went out with this person. I don't know what promises were exchanged. I don't know if they left you at the altar. But annie is in essence correct - go out an enjoy life Revenge sucks and payback/karma is a *****.
During a really tough time, when I was going through my divorce, a guy neighbor of mine put a sticky on my door one day ....


I put the sticky on my mirror so that I would look at it every morning. It reminded me that no matter what how sad I felt, I would be o.k. It also reminded me that sitting in my apartment and moping only gave him power over me even after he was gone. So I went out and started doing all of the things I had wanted to do. The first thing I did was learn how to scuba dive! I made new friends, got to know myself (without a significant other) and had a blast.

You will get through it and I am sure you know that already. You are an intelligent, handsome guy who has a secure career and you scuba dive! You have a lot to offer the women out there!

You can always use the board as a life line to help get you through some of the times you don't want to be alone! You know you have friends here!


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