Caves and Cave Diving in Thailand website posted a bulleting saying: Update: Peter McCarthy was with one other instructor. There were no tourists, just the two of them in the cave [source: pers. com. to webmaster 2 December 2010]
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I don't have anything to say about the incident, I would just like to say that your #2 above is not necessarily wrong. It is pretty standard procedure for police (no matter where you are) to run/manage rescue efforts. As such, they would "send down a team" no matter whether that team was volunteers or police. Whether the Thai Police have the equipment is irrelevant as there are plenty of people who do have the equipment who would be willing to do a search and would then be managed by the police.What I suspect but do not know is wrong.
1)"had oxygen that lasted for 2 hours" - oxygen would not do them much good if searching and diving past 20ft.
2)"police....sent down a three man team" - I highly doubt that the Thai Police in this area have any equipment or expertise to conduct a deep cave search and rescue.
Most of the rest of the words are not significant and represent only filler to get the word count up.
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I don't have anything to say about the incident, I would just like to say that your #2 above is not necessarily wrong. It is pretty standard procedure for police (no matter where you are) to run/manage rescue efforts. As such, they would "send down a team" no matter whether that team was volunteers or police. Whether the Thai Police have the equipment is irrelevant as there are plenty of people who do have the equipment who would be willing to do a search and would then be managed by the police.
I do not disagree with your train of thought above. But I have been to Thailand multiple times for extended periods, I am aware of the diving commiunity and diver, I have been to this exact location and I have dived in this exact cave.
I suspect the reality is that the diving community and divers that know Peter got a search team togeather themselves and executed multiple search dives. I am sure the Thai Police in this remote area were contacted and in turn they contacted their superiors and did not get in the way of the divers in conducting their search and rescue. I also suspect if you had been there your would be shaking your head in disbelief at how an incident like this is handled in a third world country. As they say "this is not Kansas Dorothy".
Thanks for the clarifications and for changing the thread title. I got a Google Alert email, waited to see if anyone posted on the accident, then looked for other stories before posting one of them. Sorry it was so full of errors.
I should've done this before to clear things up, but this is what happened.
Firstly, the news reports are laughable, they got the name right, that's all.