Bringing Back Liquor

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There aren't any good deals in Mexico on liquor anymore, deals worthy of the added weight and as divers we're already loaded. :D
Not to hijack, but do you have to declare fish if you are coming back from mexico? I brought 50 # of Dorado and tuna, I don't think I declared it.
Next time I'm going to see how many liters of Xtabentun I can pack in my suitcase. :)
I like to keep the bottle next to my computer. :D

I actually had to buy some here locally and paid through the nose for it too!!!!
THREE times what it was in Mexico.

But I did 'declare' a large bottle of vanilla as alcohol. I figured I didn't want the size and shape showing up like a bottle of alcohol and getting harassed for it.
Kalhua is very cheap....

We have taken several bottles back and told the customs about it. They just say okay and we're on our way. I guess we just look honest??

On a cruise I bought half a case of various kinds and had to pay a few bucks in tax. No big deal. It goes by alcohol content. The higher the proof the more ya pay, but it's still cheaper than buying in the US.
Not to hijack, but do you have to declare fish if you are coming back from mexico? I brought 50 # of Dorado and tuna, I don't think I declared it.
You are not allowed to bring in meat products or produce. What you did was illegal! Drop and give me twenty. :11ztongue

Coming home from Cancun, I didn't know Cubans were not allowed. 80 bucks down the drain. I am way too honest, and my husband will never let me forget that when asked if I had any cigars, I said "yes". I am a dork. Well? I don't smoke cigars! How was I supposed to know? :dance:
Xtabentun lovers- my wife is addicted to the stuff.

Covi liqour store next door to the San Francisco store on 30th Ave is the place to go.
Last year we paid $6-7 per liter.

I just hope her stash lasts till we get back this fall.


You are not allowed to bring in meat products or produce. What you did was illegal! Drop and give me twenty. :11ztongue
Unless this has changed in the last few years you most certainly can bring fish back, you go on a fishing trip, hook a marlin or a few dorado and you can bring the meat back with you in a cooler. Don't know the specifics on amount and what not but as far as I know it's perfectly legal. But yes, Produce is a NO-NO.
Fish is legal to bring back.
US Customs inforces the law for each individual state on liquor. In the Constitution, one of the amendments allows states to contol liquor. So different laws and that's were the confusion comes from. Some times, just to keep it more confusing, they try and determine the state that you are returning to, not where you are clearing cutoms. Often times a Customs agent will not know the laws of states where he has not worked. I believe that Arizona allows 1 ltr per person per month.(within 30 days) NO EXTRA. Some states allow One liter per person and you can pay the federal/state tax on the extra. (Washington) Here they often wave you thru cuz it's not worth the paper work. Most of the replys here have been responding to Texas. If you cross the border at Algadonnes, Baja, into California, they enforce Arizona laws cuz everyone is going to Yuma. If you can convince then that you are going to Nevada or California you get different laws.

If you do not declare and are caught, you are a smuggler, and is handled differently by different persons. Sometimes just pour it out. If it is recorded in your name on the computer, it just says smuggling, which can be anything and opens up a world of grief for future travel. It does not specify that it was only one bottle of rum. So, don't piss the folks off.

Knew a Canadian with a big bus conversion that filled up one of his water tanks with tequila. They caught him, now he can not enter the US, he is a smuggler. So he has a friend drive the bus across borders.

O, and there are good deals on liquor, just not in the tourist traps.

Did anybody see how old this was ?

adios don O
Oops. My bad. Forgive me for posting misinformation.
I think I have travelled abroad too much. Not all the rules are the same for all continents. :)
I just back from Mexico and they said 2 bottles of alcohol or you had to pay extra. but I know some that took out 4 (just packed the other 2 in their suitcase.

And the thing about the cuban cigars is right. A cuban cigar wtihout a band is just another cigar. they don't have cuban tobacco sniffing dogs at the airport.
I think we've been discovered :bandit_2:

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