Bp/w for small woman

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So I’ve been researching bp/w options not too crazy expensive for my fiance and I’m torn on what to get her.

I remember when I was switching to a bpw I was worried about comfort vs a bcd - but I’ve always been extremely comfortable - actually more so than a bcd - with my OMS plate and wing with a small back pad on it. Just a continuous web setup.

But my finance has back issues ( she’s really active and fit) particularly as she has som curvature of her spine and due to that it’s important she not have anything that presses close to her neck. Causes migraine headaches really quickly.

So I keep going back and forth between getting her something with thicker padding and padded shoulders like a comfort harness, or instead thinner straps - as long as they don’t cut in.

Looked at transpac, transpac xt, xdeep ( price gets up there with pockets and deluxe), oxycheq( but always out of stock with small bp), halcyon ( $!), and a few others.

What do you think for a small setup that’s extremely comfortable but not too wide of straps?

We dive warm water only, and travel. Thinking aluminum plate with weights instead of ss - but maybe the weight difference isn’t that big of a deal?
The halcyon small plate is one of the few ones out there, and the halcyon webbing is less stiff than a lot of the other webbing options. I don’t think padding really gets you anything. Once you’re in the water you’re barely touching the webbing anyhow

As for AL vs SS how much weight does she need? If it’s 6lb or more I’d just get a SS plate.
Looking at dgx it would be about $150 for a small ss plate, then $450 for an oxycheq wing. Harness on top of that. Wondering if an xdeep might be the way to go? They have a small backplate option. $750.
We all love our home-grown Freedom Plate here. It’s about as small as it gets, and as comfy as anything. Scuba is hard on your back though, carrying a big pressure tank on your shoulders will never be easy for a little girl. Going sidemount and gearing up in the water gets around that but won’t work well on a Caribbean cattleboat. If she goes that way she should certainly practice on a few shore dives first.
Instead of a plate you might look at a travel plate, which while rigid enough for a single tank is not so as stiff as a metal plate. We have switched to travel plates for our single tank diving.
But my finance has back issues ( she’s really active and fit) particularly as she has som curvature of her spine and due to that it’s important she not have anything that presses close to her neck. Causes migraine headaches really quickly.
To me, this suggests you stay away from padding and "comfort" harnesses. Any extraneous padding is going to take more space and encroach on her neck.

The 2 inch webbing used in the modern BP/W harness spreads the load over a wide enough area to avoid pressure points while being narrow enough to not interfere with movement.

Comfort is actually the reason it is that wide. Early scuba harnesses used 1 inch webbing because it was readily available and more than strong enough for job. But it was so narrow that it would create pressure points on the shoulders out of the water. Divers would often wedge a towel or t-shirt underneath if they had to walk any distance while wearing these.
as she has som curvature of her spine and due to that it’s important she not have anything that presses close to her neck
You have to come on here with beter information about exactly where these straps can and cant run

Skinny straps cut in won't work, Freedom plate straps, originate in the middle of the plate running outwards
in the shape of Y over the trapezius where straps are supposed to be and we get the most muscular support

the standard plates run where they run as that is how the plate is made and people don't know or don't care

personally I would attempt a plastic back pack but we gots to know we just gots to know

Back of the neck, side of the neck, how pronounced is the scoliosis
energy absorbing shaped pad on the back and sewn around straps

You've got to go all out, get the gear spot on, for ultimate comfort

also it's diving not walking
The halcyon small plate is one of the few ones out there, and the halcyon webbing is less stiff than a lot of the other webbing options. I don’t think padding really gets you anything. Once you’re in the water you’re barely touching the webbing anyhow

As for AL vs SS how much weight does she need? If it’s 6lb or more I’d just get a SS plate.

Another vote for the size small backplate.

My friend who is about 5'1" went with the small Stainless Steel Backplate - SubGravity version. It is basically the exact same thing as the Halcyon but only cost $100, however you don't get the cool kids "H" webbing and "H" logo on the backplate.

Also if I am not mistaken Oxycheq makes some very resorbable prices ones as well, same with Tecline.

Agree on the padding comment, I think this is just a sales gimmick and a way to sell new divers stuff they don't need.

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