Boston, MA (New England)

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King Kong Matt

Reaction score
Boston, MA
Hi all! My name is Matthew and I am from Boston, MA. A little bit about myself - 30 yr old software engineer, AOW but I have not been diving for a couple of years now and no cold water experience. I took a scuba refresher with my local shop and am looking to take the cold water plunge with anyone interested in helping out a newbie.

Thanks, and from what I've seen...this board is great!!!
Glad to have you aboad. I hope you enjoy the board as much as we all do. I am looking forward to reading your posts.

welcome to the board mshieldsdunn
Nice to meet you mshieldsdunn - I'm new to the board myself - just a few days into it and I've already got eye strain. There is so much information on here to absorb.

Everyone seems knowledgeable, helpful and sincere in their efforts to inform and educate.

I'm sure you'll hear from divers in the Boston area soon. Have a great wkend.
Originally posted by mshieldsdunn
Hi all! My name is Matthew and I am from Boston, MA. A little bit about myself - 30 yr old software engineer

I'm a 24 year old software engineer that is moving to the Boston area in a few weeks.

I took a scuba refresher with my local shop and am looking to take the cold water plunge with anyone interested in helping out a newbie.

Take a dry suit class. First time you hop in 40 degree water in a wet suit, you'll understand why. Or, more appropriately, the first time you get out of the water dripping with 40-60 degree water when it's 40-60 degrees outside with a 10 mph wind, you'll understand :).

Maybe I'll see you in the area. I'm hoping to do some Cape Ann/Glouchester diving.
Originally posted by AaronBBrown

Take a dry suit class. First time you hop in 40 degree water in a wet suit, you'll understand why. Or, more appropriately, the first time you get out of the water dripping with 40-60 degree water when it's 40-60 degrees outside with a 10 mph wind, you'll understand :).
I'm a 29 year old software engineer in the Boston area, also named Matthew. Funky_Monks, Shellbird, and I were up on Cape Ann this weekend, and we were all fine in our wetsuits. (53 degree water, 55 degree air, 20 knot wind) Try one out and do whatever you're comfortable with!

I go about every weekend, so let me know if you want to come along.

Also, Check out the Group Trip threads "A day on Cape Ann", and "A Day on Cape Ann #2". Hope to see you there!

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