Bonne terre mine diving

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the water temp is 58.. never changes. all my diving is cold. you may make one dive in Bonne Terre dressed in a shorty but you wont make 2. not to worry thought they are happy to rent you what ever you need.
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I dove in bull sholes with just a shorty(6.5 mil) when the water temp was 55 at the surface. I just think gloves and hoodies are a waste of money unless I'm going to be diving in the arctic. :)

I hope for your sake that when you dive the mine there isn't any kryptonite down there.
I doubt they would let me dive in my shorty...would be nice though. I would dive 2 just to prove to my self and SB that I could do it. :)

maybe find a 3/2 or something.
I doubt they would let me dive in my shorty...would be nice though. I would dive 2 just to prove to my self and SB that I could do it. :)

maybe find a 3/2 or something.

I could dive under the ice in my birthday suit if I wanted but that just might prove something other than I'm a tough guy. What you have to realize is that there is no thermoclime at Bonne Terre. It will be cold from top to bottom. The air temp in the mine is cold as well. So you will not easily warm up at the end of the dive. It's not the coldest water I've been in by a long shot. But I still dove dry. My longest dive there was 70 minutes. That's a long time in 58 degree water.

The point is, why not wear a bit more exposure protection so you can enjoy a long leisurely dive. You are paying for it after all and you might remember some of it.
The point is, why not wear a bit more exposure protection so you can enjoy a long leisurely dive. You are paying for it after all and you might remember some of it.

Because he wants to earn the admiration and approval of his fellow ScubaBoard members as well as gain some self respect and the only way he knows how to do it is to freeze his ass off in a flooded mine.

See, it's right here:

I would dive 2 just to prove to my self and SB that I could do it. :).

You can't make this stuff up.
I just really don't like restrictive feel of a full wetsuit thats all.

I would rather be a little cold then dive wearing stuff I don't feel comfortable in.
I just really don't like restrictive feel of a full wetsuit thats all.

I would rather be a little cold then dive wearing stuff I don't feel comfortable in.

Once again you're changing the reason why you want to dive without a wetsuit in the mine.

First it was because you didn't think you needed it because cold doesn't bother you unless you're in ice water.

Then you said you want to prove yourself to us and to, well..yourself.

Now it's because you don't like the restrictive feel.

I'm finding your posts to be more than a little bit hypocritical.

Make a decision and stick to it man

Or else it's time for reason #4.
Didn't know I proving to my self n SB was a reason. That was just a response to your thinking that I'm superman/crazy with the temp of BT.

I was originally just trying to see how strict there were on the rules for hoodies & gloves since I would rather dive without them. (or is this reason #4 for you?)

I geuss I'm just stupid and should leave at.
Didn't know I proving to my self n SB was a reason.

Yes that's a reason

I was originally just trying to see how strict there were on the rules for hoodies & gloves since I would rather dive without them. (or is this reason #4 for you?)

Reason #4

I geuss I'm just stupid and should leave at.

Reason #5

Damn you've got a whole bunch of reasons for jumping into that mine in your birthday suit!
It may just be me...but if i saw someone diving in a shorty in 58 degree water..i wouldn't be thinking, WOW..this guy is TOUGH. I wanna be just like him

No..i'd be thinking "WOW, this guy is NUTS. Stay far away"

In one else in the group would give a lobsters tail that you could do the dive in a shorty. I personally HATE the restrictive feel of a hood. Can't stand it, i feel like i can't breathe. But I'll damn sure wear one if its cold enough (as i did in the Channel Islands several years ago)

Gloves, arent so bad. true, you can't really pick anything up wearing them, but more protection is always better. an OLD MINE that just might still have sharp edges and such???

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