Bonne Terre here I come!

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Congrats and it will be well worth the trip from all of the reviews I have read. In the winter time when you consider the fact you don't have to fly anywhere and you are close enough to drive, it is very cheap.

Please give us a review when you come back. This place is on my list.

Price is a very relative word and I am more than sure it will be worth it to you. For others it may seem expensive. It is just not somewhere you would dive every weekend; that would be expensive. Have a great time.
For those of you that have been there before when it was cold...what did you do about keeping yourself warm after the dives?
Like I said, I have never dove there, but have done plenty of cold water/ weather diving.

Some things you can do to help keep warm:
-drink coffee or hot chocolate before/ between/ after the dives.
-Have a thick towel or blanket ready to wrap up in. Have a sock cap & gloves ready
- Get out of your wetsuit ASAP & into dry clothes (remember the "water takes away body heat 25 X faster than air"?), unless it is to be a very short SI, then if that is the case, at least strip the suit down to the waist & put a sweatshirt or such on.
-If you are diving a wetsuit, have some water as hot as you can stand to feel it ready in a Thermos. Just before diving, pour the water into the suit & flood it as best as you can. This will lessen the shock of the cold water when you get in.

I know this is not specific to this place, but hope it helps you out some.
For those of you that have been there before when it was cold...what did you do about keeping yourself warm after the dives?

We were there in January 2009. We went topside between dives. They had a building with heaters you could sit in. We took sweatshirts and donned those in between dives. I won't lie to you, by the end of the 3rd dive I was shivering uncontrollably. But that was before I had my 7 mil semi-dry suit. I would love to go back, it's a very unique experience. Have fun!

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