bone density testing..

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alibi 2

Scuba Instructor
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Monterey Bay, CA
# of dives
I'm a Fish!
two years ago I had a bone density test and all was well,,I exercise a lot and take mega vitamens including calcium ...then last aug. I broke my foot while diving..went I saw my gyno. in dec. he had me sch. a bone density test again...well...I had it, and I have osteoporosis ...I will be discussing treatment options in a couple weeks...

No matter how active or how healthy you are be sure to get a bone density test! Osteoporosis can occur at any age!:blinking:
Yeah, I need to get in and get tested again. Ten years ago, I was fine. But it does creep up. A good reminder to all of us women "of a certain age".

BTW, one of the things recommended to maintain bone density is weight bearing exercise, so don't let anybody else carry those tanks for you, ladies!
A good reminder to all of us women "of a certain age".

So Doc, at what age should we be thinking of having this test done? Should we ask if the Dr does not mention it?

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