got to think there are plenty of places that will fit your request. AS mentioned above there are a number of "big" resorts on bonaire. they have their supporters. there are a vast number of smaller resorts that also have their supporters. detractors everyone has them. I don't know maybe everyone has a bad day. have never stayed at Buddy's and its not really on my radar. that's not a knock on buddy's just not what i want on a vacation.
I have stayed 7 times at the black durgon inn and love the place. Have stayed once at Blachi Koko and loved that too. the black durgon fits us great but its small and so somewhat dependent on who else is staying there. Also because the kitchen and refrigerators are shared. Mostly been good but not always but really just requires adjusting and I'd say you have to want to be flexible not all do. Blachi koko is more downtown even smaller but close to water not on it. Wonderful owners. Own kitchen etc.
Close to Carib Inn (never can get in) which is great place and dive operation. So those two would work and if you can get into the Carib Inn that would seem a sure winner. But if you want a larger resort with amenities these are not it. You really have to identify what you want but I am sure most really are grateful for your business and want you to enjoy the island. I have never felt dinged, all cost have been known and upfront.
Go enjoy relax. I am sorry that SBP Studios had a bad experience but I really think that is the exception not the rule on Bonaire. Obviously it sucks if it happens to you but... .
got to think there are plenty of places that will fit your request. AS mentioned above there are a number of "big" resorts on bonaire. they have their supporters. there are a vast number of smaller resorts that also have their supporters. detractors everyone has them. I don't know maybe everyone has a bad day. have never stayed at Buddy's and its not really on my radar. that's not a knock on buddy's just not what i want on a vacation.
I have stayed 7 times at the black durgon inn and love the place. Have stayed once at Blachi Koko and loved that too. the black durgon fits us great but its small and so somewhat dependent on who else is staying there. Also because the kitchen and refrigerators are shared. Mostly been good but not always but really just requires adjusting and I'd say you have to want to be flexible not all do. Blachi koko is more downtown even smaller but close to water not on it. Wonderful owners. Own kitchen etc.
Close to Carib Inn (never can get in) which is great place and dive operation. So those two would work and if you can get into the Carib Inn that would seem a sure winner. But if you want a larger resort with amenities these are not it. You really have to identify what you want but I am sure most really are grateful for your business and want you to enjoy the island. I have never felt dinged, all cost have been known and upfront.
Go enjoy relax. I am sorry that SBP Studios had a bad experience but I really think that is the exception not the rule on Bonaire. Obviously it sucks if it happens to you but... .