Nice follow on to your review. A few scattered thoughts of mine:
1.) I don't drink. Whenever I hear of an A.I. program, I wonder whether there's a cheaper option that doesn't including alcohol, because I know alcohol costs money and that said cost is factored into the price of the package. A look at their web site doesn't suggest that's an option, unless one of the rest of you knows otherwise.
2.) Buddy Dive includes airport transfers & onsite truck rental. On the other hand, the tank stations close at 5 p.m. and other than tanks provided for diving the house reef 24/7, if you want to get tanks, you'd better get them before 5 p.m.! Any idea whether you can get tanks after house at the Plaza for off-site diving? I ask because when staying at Eden Beach Resort years ago, we'd load tanks in the evening for the next morning's trip off-grounds. Couldn't do that so easily at Buddy Dive. Not a big deal, but be aware.
Re: tanks
So at the plaza I was able to get tanks most any time. At the shop (again, next to parking lot, next to lockers) there were tons of filled tanks just sitting there to grab.
There were also 2x locations at the house reef that always had stacks of filled tanks & next to it leave your empties (caps off).
I know there was someone always there after 5pm, think the latest I ever got a nitrox tanks was closer to 6pm. But if you just want air, just grab&go.
I honestly couldn't believe how casual it was. So I think you'd have no problem any time of day - if you're leaving for shore dives, grab tanks at shop(parking lot) load&go... for beach dives just walk to beach.
Again, caveat being nitrox - they lock the room that holds the nitrox tanks when they close. However, just do all your fills for the day whenever, slap a label on the tank (w/your name & 'location' - i.e. shore, or house reef name). When you label the tanks in the day & write the house reef destination ("pool" or "Tipsy") as long as you do this during open hours (again, I found before 6pm but might be officially like 5:30?) they'd deliver the nitrox tanks to the reef for you within 30min. (of course you could always carry the tank(s) yourself).
Re: all-inclusive
Hmmm... that's a good point about the rate/savings. When I'm on warm-water vacations I swim like a fish & (sadly) drink like one.

So any "savings" on something as (what can be!) expensive as alcohol could sure be lessened.
On the food side of things, we were all really happy with the food choices - 3x meals a day & snacks (hot&cold) at the bar in-between.
We only dined out once (10min walk into town), but the 2x restaurants, I believe slightly on the upscale end for the island, were quite pricey.
I understand there are plenty of dining options, probably plenty affordable ones.
So cost savings (convenience) on food vs staying at another place I couldn't really speak to.
For us - I did look at the other resorts, but since we found a really good deal/rate on Plaza ( just used, note: oddly I've found cheaper rates on than not just for travel to/from Canada but also for states - I've told friends about this who have ran into the same & booked some travel from .ca ) we wound up realizing it saved us money (again, I'd venture w/o alcohol factored).
The rest, as I mentioned - rooms I stayed in (updated/recently remodeled) were really nice - nicest I've had for an all-inclusive & I'd venture a bit nicer than the traditional dive resorts. I was really surpirsed.
Lastly, one little catch/gotcha? We'd originally expected the unlimited tanks was included, however we learned that that's only if you book with Plaza online/direct (or through some resellers?). Since we booked (severely discounted?) through Expedia we had to pay for our air at the shop.
If you pre-pay, ahead of time, I think it's like $20-22(?) per day for your stay. Again, we factored that into our budgeting/decision making.
Again, no experience elsewhere, but I was really happy with the rate & the fact that nitrox was unlimited (same as air) - so that was icing on cake (wrote elsewhere bout my profiles/NDL whilst diving 4-5 per day against buddies on air).
So when diving elsewhere - grab 4x nitrox tanks & head out for the day. I think officially it's only supposed to be 2x at a time, but nothing would stop someone if they didn't want to come back to the shop to fill 2x tanks. I only took 2x at a time, but we had a full truck (usually 3-4x divers) but we always grabbed one extra "backup tank" - which came in handy one time when one buddy packed an "empty".
[ Again, don't want to sound like a commercial for Plaza - we just had a great experience, enjoyed the casual atomosphere, free nitrox delivered to shore, shore stocks of tanks for house reef, easy entry exit at reef, & excellent dive shop staff... YMMV ]
Recommendation - check rates/compare cost. Doesn't hurt to try different places. We might try elsewhere next trip, perhaps Buddy Dive, but unless I'd be saving a decent amt (budgeting food/drinks) I'm fairly certain I'd stay w/Plaza & dive with Toucan Diving again.
Last thoughts - tax was like $10 (5min from airport, didn't try the "hop the fence" trick<g>). Next time I think we'll pre-rent the truck & pick it up at airport. Otherwise, the rental company picks you up @ resort & takes you to get your truck (@ airport) - no big deal.
---------- Post added July 15th, 2014 at 04:42 PM ----------
Re: Free+unlimited nitrox
So just curious - is nitrox just treated the same as air in Bonaire?
This (at Toucan Diving, Plaza resort) was new to me - and much appreciated.