Thanks for the info regarding BonaireTalk. In the past, I frequented that site only when I was planning a Bonaire trip. The board seemed to have lots of current info on restaurants and shops on the island. I didn't realize that they were being inundated with numerous false reports of criminal activity. That's too bad.
Still, there's a part of me that finds it a little ridiculous that an Internet mod has to go to the trouble of verifying theft reports with the Bonaire police. A poster who is purposefully posting false reports of criminal activity hurts business on the entire island. Is it possible that such a poster could be a shill from Curacao? Is there inter-island business competition among the ABC islands? I can't think of any other angle that a malicious poster might have.
I too can see why Bonaire Talk may have decided to ask for verification, before a crime report can be posted. Just read back threw some of Scuba Board threads like this, discussing crime on the island, and you will begin to see a pattern of a very few second hand posters, "ramping up" the volume. Whatever their personal reasons may be for doing so. This is very easy to do on an unfiltered internet based forum. Such posting by rumor only muddies the water, and makes it difficult to discover the truth. By shear volume, rumor, repeated often enough can become accepted as fact.
Bonaire Talk, by adopting this policy, makes it possible to discuss actual crimes by the victims, but discourages the "band wagon volunteers". Far from discouraging a victim to vent about their experience, this gives credence to any such postings, as readers can be assured of the fact such a crime has really been committed. IMO