Bonaire pics

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Two pics from the recent trip to Bonaire. Came back to find my cable modem out, so with only dial up until thursday, the trip report and rest of the pics will have to wait.



Come on Scott......we're off to see the leezard!
Great pics, can't wait to see the rest! Sorry to hear about your cable modem I found myself out of DSL for a couple months because my old provider went out of business :upset: It sucked trying to get it back up and running with a different company and I can't get cable where I live. Good luck hope it's back up soon.
Hey....I see the TSDT mascot was there! Great start...I'll wait for the rest....

Oh BTW....did ya'll have anything stolen or trouble like that on your trip? I ask because we hear so much about cars being broken into while shore diving or rooms being pilfered. What's the scoop?
Dee once bubbled...
Hey....I see the TSDT mascot was there! Great start...I'll wait for the rest....

Oh BTW....did ya'll have anything stolen or trouble like that on your trip? I ask because we hear so much about cars being broken into while shore diving or rooms being pilfered. What's the scoop?

Nothing pilfered, stolen or anything. Everyone on the island was helpful and friendly! The only problem was trying to find a whole beer. They seem to think that 8 ounces constitutes a full bottle! :D :D

Scott did hog most of the good pics though.....:wacko:
Dee once bubbled...

Oh BTW....did ya'll have anything stolen or trouble like that on your trip? I ask because we hear so much about cars being broken into while shore diving or rooms being pilfered. What's the scoop?

I've been three years running and there have been no problems. I think the Plaza is very safe as they have their own "guards" or security guys. But I did notice when renting my car that the agent made sure there was still a spare tire.

BTW, have a great time on your trip!!!
That's good news. One of the big reasons we've never wanted to go to Bonaire were the thefts we hear so much about. guys get busy on the pictures! I leave Sat. and I need to know how good my competition has gotten! :wink:
With the "guard dog" Iguana's nobody was getting near us !!!!!

With all this free air ( 24-7 ) who wouldnt have a good time !!!!!

Seriously..... and I think I can speak for Steve also ....we were very pleased with the accommodations at the Plaza ..... The Villas we stayed in were enormous, clean, and had the fridge !!!!! The dive center was great and as Steve said everyone was extremely friendly and helpful .....

Scott did hog most of the good pics though.....

Well I dont know about that're off to a pretty good start !!!! All I have are lots of Angel fish butts!!!
Finesse once bubbled...
Well I dont know about that're off to a pretty good start !!!! All I have are lots of Angel fish butts!!!

One of the best displays of fish photos I ever saw was a bathroom in a dive shop who had papered the walls with fish butt photos! I have enough to do our master bath now :eek:

Those tanks remind me of the tank racks at CoCo View. Was there shore diving at the Plaza? If so, how was it? I know it sounds lazy but I really don't want to drive around, hump gear and climb/descend ladders to shore dive. Not if I can walk into the water closeby.
at the resort.....Although we only did that site twice ....once for the "Buoyancy check" (no instructor in the water) ...just merely to get properly weighted.....then we continued with the dive .....and then later we did a night dive there. What was nice was the Dive center has tanks (about 10-15 ) sitting on the beach for your use.... plus an area to get you equipment set up, a rinse tank and showers. For the night dive we used nitrox ....we checked out our tanks at the Dive center then one of the Dive center employees took the tanks to the beach for us. We used the tanks and left them right there for them to pick up in the morning. :wink: AS for the quality of that dive ....I forget :D If I recall it wasnt our favorite site but it wasnt too bad either

A resident moray on the night dive in front of the Plaza.........


As far as hauling equipment around it wasnt bad at all ... almost too back your truck right next to the Dive center lockers ( where you lock your gear up at night and rinse it ) only 10 steps from the tanks..... drive off and park the truck most times steps away from the waters edge.

This site was nice ….. you could park almost under the umbrellas


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