Thanks for the followup. I am still not able to see where the ban language is. Page 4 of the document reads:
The only vague reference I see is in red, and theoretically that could apply to nickel-cadmium batteries, motor oil, and diesel fuel. Fortunately all of these things are contained in containers and not placed "in the waters around Bonaire", much like the material inside sealed chemical light sticks.
The article is more interesting for sure. I'm going to go to BMNP directly and ask them. I saw lots of divers with light sticks doing night dives, and the orientations should probably include wording on such a ban if it indeed exists.
6. The prohibition contained within the first paragraph does not apply to visiting yachts, where tanks are filled for personal use only and not for commercial purposes.
Section 2: Marine Park (including Klein Bonaire)
Article 3
1. Without a permit from the Bestuurscollege it is forbidden to collect living or dead animals or plants in the Bonaire Marine Park
2. This prohibition does not apply to the collection by hand or using traditional fishing gear of fish, crusta-cean, mollusks and turtles as regulated by articles 14, 15 and 16.
3. By traditional fishing methods are meant the use of fishing lines (linja), fishing rods, casting nets (trai), drag nets (reda) and fish traps (kanaster)
Article 4
1. It is forbidden to dump or use biological or chemical substances in the waters around Bonaire which might cause damage to the marine environment
2. Biological, chemical or other substances considered harmful to the marine environment may be determined by EHAM
Article 5
Without an exemption from the Bestuurscollege it is prohibited to enter the Marine Reserves of the Marine Park. This prohibition does not apply to vessels traveling through the reserves or fishing using traditional fish-ing methods with the exception of fish traps.
Article 6
1. It is prohibited to anchor in the Marine Park. By EBHAM anchoring may be allowed in certain areas.
2. The prohibition in section 1 does not apply to vessels with an overall length less than 12' providing they make use of stone anchors.
Article 7
Without a permit from the Bestuurscollege it is prohibited to destroy or remove anything cemented in or on the bottom.
Article 8
1. It is prohibited without a permit from the Bestuurscollege to build, place roads, moorings, piers or or simi-lar structures in the Marine Park.
2. Only the management body for the Marine Park may remove or intentionally damage the moorings placed by or on behalf of the Bestuurscollege
Article 9
Users of the Marine Park must strictly obey instructions, which are in the interests of protecting the environ-ment, marine environment and nature of the Marine Park, given to them by or on behalf of the management body.
The only vague reference I see is in red, and theoretically that could apply to nickel-cadmium batteries, motor oil, and diesel fuel. Fortunately all of these things are contained in containers and not placed "in the waters around Bonaire", much like the material inside sealed chemical light sticks.
The article is more interesting for sure. I'm going to go to BMNP directly and ask them. I saw lots of divers with light sticks doing night dives, and the orientations should probably include wording on such a ban if it indeed exists.