Backscatter Photo. They have an online shop and have sales on occasion.
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Backscatter also has an extensive collection of reviews, product guides, and setting cheat sheets. All free, and their products are top notch, I have their Flip kit for the GoPro, and the Macro-Wide 4300.Backscatter Photo. They have an online shop and have sales on occasion.
Backscatter MF-2 or SeaDragon 2000 ??Just get the Backscatter MF-2.
Backscatter MF-2 or SeaDragon 2000 ??Backscatter Photo. They have an online shop and have sales on occasion.
yes photosPhotos or videos?
MF-2 for photos,
The strobe will be instantaneously brighter, even with a low guide number it will be able to freeze action up close. A 2k video light will not be bright enough to do that. Also you won't be able to get the bright subject dark background effect. The MF-2 is not something you will out grow and put on the trash pile even if you find you want full size strobes for wide angle it will still get use in a compact macro rig.yes photos