Waterskier1 - We always tip the tank guys, but that's just us. I wish everyone would have compassion for them but not everyone will and, then again, not everyone can afford to tip in a situation when it's possibly not expected. At Carib Inn, where we trade while on Bonaire, there are three guys who do all the air fills and odd jobs around the place. They don't work in the dive shop; they don't do boat dives; but yet they are the ones we, personally, have the most contact with as we only do shore dives and are constantly dropping off and picking up tanks. One of these guys is deaf and mute. He goes so far and above the call of duty to try to communicate with us. He always has a humongous smile on his face and, yet, his job is hard, hot and tedious. I know he's probably not compensated like the DMs, but his smile and attitude surpasses theirs and since that's what MAKES a customer-related business, I try to let him know, with my wallet, how much I appreciate him. I can't wait to give him his tip at the end of my four weeks here and, hopefully, make his week. Yet I know that smile of his will be there whether I tip or not.