Bonaire handrails

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Reaction score
redondo beach, calif
# of dives
500 - 999
We love the shore diving at Bonaire but the entry/exit especially in rough conditions is really treacherous at some sites. There is an area about 10-20 feet long of iron shore that is extremely slippery with very uneven footing even with heavy treaded booties like I have. I wonder how many broken wrists and fingers, cracked housings, scratches, cuts, brused hips, etc happen on a daily basis. I have been fortunate having not fallen in the last couple of years (except for an exit in rough seas at one of the sites up north in the state park where everyone came out banged or cutup including an ex navy seal). My wife ends up on all 4's using the "Seal" technique just to be safe.
Why doesn't STINAPA or whoever is responsibly for public safety on Bonaire install some hand rails for balance at the more treacherous sites. Even a cable between two posts about 4 ft high would help immensely. It is a common occurance to see a diver with fins in one hand and a camera in the other go down or hear the "Bonk" as a tank bounces off the rocks when they slip. I am not looking for a paved launch ramp or sand but just about anything would help. I am sure I have rattled some cages here but the next time you fall getting in or out you will think of this post.
Ronski..Well I know what you mean, just ain't a gonna happen.:D Wishful thinking though.

There are many many sites which we purposely do not dive because of the entry & iron shore. However there are many which are fairly EZ.. Before you dive a site, CLOSELY examine it.
I'm sure I don't have to tell you what to look for.
And remember..GO SLOWLY on your entry & exits and it pays if you're unfamiliar with a site to watch other dives how they enter & exit. We have a handful of sites which we dive all the time and for the last 6 years now, no falls (knock on wood). If a site looks a little difficult, the safe way is to take your tank off, inflate the BC & float it out to 4 feet of water & put it on then. Vice a versa on exit.

And as far as STINAPA, rest assured they've got their hands full with a myriad of other problems/issues which are ongoing..Trust me, they are not about to install hand rails no matter how many folks clamor for them.. And to point one other thing out, there is only one person and one person only who is responsible for public safety and your well being when you dive from shore..And it ain't STINAPA. Enjoy your trip & stay away from the ER.;)
And while they are at it - I can think of a couple of sites that can use escalators form the parking to the beach. Shade for the cars and some water coolers will be nice as well. At the more popular sites they can have hostesses handing us a cold beer as we surface [but maybe I am exaggerating on this specific request...].
Now a little more seriously: Bonaire diving is as easy as diving can possibly go - divers should have basic skills that include entry and exit on beaches [or else dive only from boats]. For some of us, any artificial addition on a beach is visually disturbing. Another problem I find is that many divers dive with equipment far beyond their handling capabilities [novice divers who go diving with large cameras, videos and strobes] - they put their own safety at risk and worse, they damage the reef. My vote to no handrails or anything of the kind [except for marking that aim at the protection of the reef].
And while they are at it - I can think of a couple of sites that can use escalators form the parking to the beach. Shade for the cars and some water coolers will be nice as well. At the more popular sites they can have hostesses handing us a cold beer as we surface [but maybe I am exaggerating on this specific request...].
Now a little more seriously: Bonaire diving is as easy as diving can possibly go - divers should have basic skills that include entry and exit on beaches [or else dive only from boats]. For some of us, any artificial addition on a beach is visually disturbing. Another problem I find is that many divers dive with equipment far beyond their handling capabilities [novice divers who go diving with large cameras, videos and strobes] - they put their own safety at risk and worse, they damage the reef. My vote to no handrails or anything of the kind [except for marking that aim at the protection of the reef].

Totally agree with ernani.If the site has too difficult an entry for your physical abilities ,don't dive there.It can be that simple.
Stay on the resort house reef with its dock and ladder or boat dives only.
There are shore diving sites with handrails, ladders, and all sorts of niceties - they're called dive resorts. :) They have an interest in making it easy for their customers. Remote beaches do not. The tradeoff is the more developed the site the more divers will have been on it.

If the conditions don't match your abilities that day, pick another site. Or boat dive, or shore dive at your hotel or other hotels that allow it. If a site is only suitable for mountain goats, so be it.
While I will probably get flamed....let me check my GAS level....Bonaire only cares about your $$$$$ and that is about it. It is a good place to dive. It used to be a great place to dive but it is easily surpassed by other places.
Just be careful and dive places you can handle and dont expect too much.
Nah, you just want to be flamed.

As for handrails on Bonaire, there are some, at Oil Slick, and several resorts, as Damselfish pointed out.
Otherwise, for someone who first started shore diving in Mass. and Maine, Boniare IS handrails. Rocky, Atlantic Ocean shore entries, with surf and surge, make any Bonaire entry look rocking chair easy, if you pick your entry point wisely. IMO

If you are not up to shore diving then there are plenty of boat and dock opportunities.

The shore diving in Bonaire is less challenging than most other locations setting aside calm sand beaches. I don't know what you do for local diving but compared to my world Bonaire is a piece of cake.

1) Do you and your wife enter the water together? When in doubt my wife and I will enter facing each other hand to hand, sort of like the tango while watching the incoming waves and bracing accordingly.
2) Test each footing before comiting.
3) Observe the wave cycle. There are usually sets and if you time things right you can avoid the most challenging moments.
4) Have a good amount of air in your BC and your regulator (or at least snorkel) in your mouth. That way if you do go down you have a shot at floating and breathing. Mask goes on at the shoreline and comes off at the same place unless conditions are very benign.

Shore diving is a skill. Adding features to the sites is not the answer and may bring problems of it's own.

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that is also a good point, even the trickier spots on Bonaire are easier than what some people who shore dive at home experience all the time. Challenging sometimes, but it's a set of skills that can be learned. I also learned to dive in New England and dealing with this stuff was something taught from the beginning so I sort of take it for granted.

I don't know if anyone in Bonaire offers a shore diving specialty class but it could actually be a very useful thing for folks who have only done boats or "friendly" shore diving.

Another thought is, if you usually take a camera but want to dive a site that is too much to handle with a camera, you can choose to leave the camera in the room for that one. Trade-offs.

Some people swear by heavy booties with stiff soles for rocky/nasty entries, but my preference has always been for something more flexible so I can feel what's under my feet better, sort of a finesse over brute force approach.

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