Wow, thanks for posting that information from Jerry. I have to agree 100% with Craig that spending time with Jerry is a valuable use of time on Bonaire. We did the PADI UW Naturalist Course (to finish our MSD certificate) and spent 2 afternoons with him. We learned an incredible amount about marine life, behavior, hunting, etc., from Jerry and absolutely thought it was time well spent. He was also a lot of fun to dive with and found some amazing critters for us.
The funniest thing happened on one of our dives though. Jerry had been telling us about the "shy crab" during our instructional time and said they weren't common and very hard to find. At the end of our dive he was showing us something in the sand at the top of the reef (in front of BDA's dock), when out came from right under my husband a shy crab!!! We were all shocked and spent about 10 minutes watching the crab go about his business, right in front of us! It was sooo cool, and no matter how hard we looked for another in subsequent days, we never found one. Those are the moments you live for in diving.
The funniest thing happened on one of our dives though. Jerry had been telling us about the "shy crab" during our instructional time and said they weren't common and very hard to find. At the end of our dive he was showing us something in the sand at the top of the reef (in front of BDA's dock), when out came from right under my husband a shy crab!!! We were all shocked and spent about 10 minutes watching the crab go about his business, right in front of us! It was sooo cool, and no matter how hard we looked for another in subsequent days, we never found one. Those are the moments you live for in diving.