I'd probably ask on
BonaireTalk's forum about baby food brands. The 3 big grocery stores are Van Den Tweels, Warehouse Bonaire and Top (formerly Cultimara). You might also ask about diaper brands unless you take plenty. When I needed triple antibiotic ointment for a bad leg abrasion a few years back I needed to hit the pharmacy and be mindful stores aren't open 24/7, so with a baby along, I'd pack plenty of whichever children's med.s you think you might need.
There's side-walk in the capitol and you can use a stroller there. Since people often eat out in the evenings, the stroller might come in handy. I have no idea how many restaurants have high chairs to sit a baby in. Oh, and restaurants often have outdoor seating and in the evening mosquitos can maul you. Plan on bringing plenty of repellent. Trying to sleep with a baby with a bunch of mosquito bites sounds miserable, even if we ignore the small risk of Denque fever.
In 7 trips to Bonaire I haven't felt the need to set foot on a boat yet. If you want to say you dove off Klein Bonaire, you will need to.
People can debate 'not to miss' dive sites. For shore, I'd recommend:
1.) Karpata & Tolo. Both require you to head far enough that the road becomes one way & commits you to a long drive back. Karpata has lush reef and is well-known and often spoken off. Tolo is just all around a good site, and worth stopping at on your way to Karpata.
2.) 1,000 Steps (actually 60 something). Scenic staircase, nice entry (after & before the stair case), nice dive. Good one for some land pictures.
3.) Oil Slick Leap - the big giant stride entry is a conversation piece, and I've had good dives here.
4.) The Cliff - a fairly shallow, small vertical wall that's unlike a lot of the rest of the diving.
5.) Bari Reef - a nice dive, and said to have documented high species diversity. If you don't stay where it's the house reef, then it's a turn off of a round-about.
6.) Invisibles - long swim out, nice reef, I mainly throw it in because it's one of the sites most everybody seems to hit. In case you like to have 'been there, done that' when a site comes up.
Hilma Hooker - it's the big wreck of Bonaire at recreational limits. This is down south where there's a double reef system.
8.) Angel City seems well-spoken off.
9.) Salt Pier (when no ship is in). Shallow, long pier with lots of columns, life hangs around them.
10.) Windsock (the dive site, not the resort - though the resort has a good shore dive) - good entry. Nice for night dives, because that big pier makes it obvious where to exit, and exit is easy. Though one night ravenous mosquitos attacked.
11.) Sweet Dreams - lush reef rivaling Karpata in my experience.
People also speak well of Margate Bay and Red Beryl. People often speak well of Tori's Reef; I only dove it once and must've missed what was special about it. Up north I like Andrea I and II. I think Alice in Wonderland is like the
Hilma Hooker without the wreck.
If you stay at Buddy Dive or Captain Don's Habitat, the house reef is nice. If you stay at Eden Beach Resort, the house reef is Eden's Rubble but head out to the wreck of the
Bakanal, and from the north end of the property is a decent dive site I think is called Front Porch.
I'm sure others can chime in with favorites, but if you hit the dozen I suggested, and maybe also 2 or 3 of the others I suggested, that's quite a few dives. And remember that at some sites you could easily make it a 2 tank dive; for example, dive Oil Slick Leap and lead south on dive 1, get another tank, & head north for dive 2.