Alright, question for all the boat folks. I was in Lowe's thios evening, checking out plywood for the floor of my boat. I was looking @ some 19/32" plywood that seemed pretty good, very few voids, no knotholes, etc. Right next to it was some 5/8" stuff that for lack of a better word I would have to call pressboard. It was considerably heavier, but what I really liked about it was the stiffness. I would worry, however, that if water ever got to it that it would swell up like a balloon, & make me hate the day I bought it. Also, do I really need 5/8" wood, considering that the longest span on the floor is probably 16"-18", of should I consider using 1/2" for this? At the very least I am going to resin coat the wood after I cut it to fit, if not actually coating it with cloth. Any help would be great, because I'd like to get a good start on the floor this coming weekend.