Okay so today (5/20/06) I went diving at Monastery, which is off of hwy 1 right after Monterey. Anyways I'm getting ready to get in, conditions are great, I go to put sea drops in my mask, wash it out and get in the water with my buddy. 4 of us are diving and I look underwater and the water is blurry like an oily substance. So I figure I didn't wash out my mask well enough, so I clear it with some water, doesn't work, do it again, doesn't work. So I don't want my buddies to think im crazy, but I ask em anyways and they agreed that the water was blurry. As we went down the blurry went away and it was clear, but now I really want to know what it was. So if anyone has any ideas, or has had this happen at another dive site or knows anything let me know I'm very curious, and hopefully it's not harmfull! :eyecrazy: