Green Frog
Is that a MoW Fish on the left side of photo #2? The ones in the middle look kinda like Hamlets of some sort to me? I’m not seeing anything I would call a Jack either(?)

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Very cool looking and unique nudibranch! BHB is a treasure for sure!!Janolatus flavoanulatus,
@PBcatfish, I uploaded the same image to as "Jacks", got a hit less than 24 hours later of Banded Rudderfish, which is in the Jack family. Greater Amberjacks can look similar as well when juvenile. I don't think hanging out under Man O War Jellyfish in open water is something juvenile groupers would do as part of their life cycle.
There's really good viz in the ocean right now,,,,,,but,,,,,,,,Lk Okee is at 16.2ft and the Army is still doing some small but frequent lake releases out of the WPB gates. I'm diving the ocean tomorrow and I'll post up a viz report. Not always but they will sometimes try to hit that outgoing high tide with releases. With Lk O being really full and it's only March, we'll see what the summer time rains bring because in past years we've had some massive 'full 6 gate openings' while they try to drain down the frequent June rains. You might want to do a return visit before summertime.I would really like to try to get back down there this summer when conditions are known to be good,![]()
Geeze, if I turned up information that you did not already know, then I really did accomplish something the other day.@PBcatfish I like the very last link you provided. I did know about the eye stripe of Lesser not hitting the dorsal fin, and the eye stripe of the Greater hitting the dorsal fin. The Almaco Jack are usually smaller and the higher profile dorsal fin is a dead give away. Banded Rudderfish reference from FWC states juveniles are associated with floating debris and weed lines. In under "about" for Greater Amberjack it states juveniles are associated with floating algae such as Sargassum and floating debris. If you go to Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, stri compare and punch in Banded Rudder, Greater Amberjack, Lesser Amberjack, and Almaco Jack you can see images of the juveniles. Banded Rudder and Greater Amberjack look a lot like, Lesser Amberjack not so much. Thing is if you are looking at little 1.5 inch juveniles, they could all easily be confused with one another. That's why I originally wrote "unidentifed jack". I have been watching same under Sargassum Floats for twenty five years, and know they were juvenile jacks, but never bother drilling down to see which is which. I didn't make the ident on inaturalist, somebody else did. Point is, I was leaning on behavior (hanging out under debris) as much as how the fish appears. If I look at that fish, and I extrapolate it in my minds eye, it does very much have the shape of a jack. Of course extrapolating a fishes growth in one's mind eye is totally subjective. I am glad you find the images to be of some value, and I appreciate the kind comments and all the thumbs up. BTW, that goes for everybody else here giving the thumbs up as well.
Yea, try diving Boston Harbor sometime. It will adjust your perspective. Suddenly a bad day here looks great!I've been staying with my wife in Melbourne the last couple of days on a work trip so I decided to shoot down to the bridge yesterday and get a dive in. I love the site but I swear I'm cursed with what I consider poor viz every time I go there.
Had a few problems to fix (pulled a wire out of the Anderson connector in my DPV and didn't have any electrical tape for a short-term fix, forgot my GoPro mount and had to go to Walmart, and then stop for a weight for the dive flag float because all I could find at the house were two 3lb hard weights) before getting to Phil Foster park, so I was a bit delayed and got in the water basically AT high tide... still had a cool dive though.
I would really like to try to get back down there this summer when conditions are known to be good, and see if we have 20+ feet of viz because yesterday just didn't seem like it to me, except maybe at peak high tide for about five minutes. Sucks, too, because I had nothing to do until I tore that wire out of the scooter assembling it in the hotel room and I had planned on getting down there early enough to be IN the water by like 1400![]()